Sunday, March 28, 2021

Random pondering.

While I wouldn't say that I was close with any of my immediate family, I do know that they love me. However, when I was growing up, I don't recall getting a slot of support from my parents. I was given opportunities when I became interested in something (music, sport etc), but while I was pushed academically, I don't recall being encouraged or supported for anything else. 

A few years ago, it transpired that my Dad had spent plenty of time at my schools, talking to my teachers about my performance, asking for extra homework etc. I knew of some of these visits, but not the extent of them.

Even from an early age, I was naturally talented at sports like basketball or football and good enough to get into the school teams for those sports, but it seemed that I taught myself... practiced by myself. When other parents came to watch their kids regularly, I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times my Dad came to watch me play football.

I often wonder if that has anything to do with my general lack of confidence in myself - the shyness and social anxiety and imposter syndrome at work. I know that there have been times where I have done something really good - at work, in sports, in music (back when I played an instrument), but without actual encouragement, compliments, recognition etc. it's all seemed a bit empty and the achievements somewhat tarnished.

So, yeah, guess what kinda of mood I've been in today?

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