Sunday, July 05, 2020

No more bedtime cheese.

Another dream. I'm remembering these dreams, I think, because they come in the final phase of sleep that I get, that's not really that deep. My sleeping patterns are weird - I fall to sleep quickly, but will wake somewhere between ninety minutes and two hours after dropping off. I'll fall asleep again and wake another two hours or so later, then turn over again and awake, finally, somewhere between 7 AM and 8 AM.

It's this last phase where I'm remembering my dreams.

This time, KfW2 was getting married, somewhere foreign. I was there, for the wedding and for some other, business-related, reason. USHW was also there, as a guest of KfW2. In the dream, literally minutes after touching down on foreign soil, KfW2 had somehow managed to find a new man, dump her fiance and insist on getting married to the new guy.

Obviously, everyone's appalled at this behaviour, but no-one can find KfW2 to try and make her see sense. My time is torn between trying to find KfW2 and whatever business thing I was also meant to do.

USHW keeps me up-to-date on the KfW2 progress via video calls. Eventually, she is found and the wedding goes ahead with the new man, though the atmosphere has obviously changed for the worse. I wake up in the middle of the wedding reception.

That's just weird. It was KfW2's actual wedding anniversary a few days ago. I suspect it was actually KfW2's anniversary of meeting her now hubby. Or re-meeting him. She's kinda sentimental that way, so doing it on the same date/day is very her. And I do know it was around this time of year that he showed up at her house, wine in hand and they've been inseparable ever since.

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