Sunday, July 05, 2020

Just chatting

I'm in a Whatsapp group with a load of people that I used to work with, including KfW2 and Stalky Guy. I would regard all of the people in the group to be friends, with the exception of Stalky Guy.

So when a guy sent a message out of the blue yesterday that said:

"I'm going sound like an idiot, but I miss you guys and gals. It's an insane amount of time to be away from people."

There were a few replies. One guy is loving it, the others seemed to be coping rather than thriving.

I posted my own message.

"I've loved the money and time I'm saving, but I miss seeing people in person and I do actually miss being in work. I work better with people around me, I think."

The thriving guy was quick to reply, and his message sounded like he was trying to make a competition of the circumstances.

"I'm more alone in the office than I am at home" (He has a wife, kids and dogs at home, in the office, he's a one-man team).

Was he trying to equate the fact that he doesn't speak to anyone in the office to me actually sitting on my own in my house? I've gone a week at a time during this lockdown without seeing another human being. When KfW2 gave me a hug last Monday after leaving my house, that was only the second piece of physical contact with another human being since the lockdown - nearly four months into it.

I think his message in both content and tone ended what might have been a frank conversation, and possibly one that everyone needed.

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Giveth and taketh.

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