Monday, July 27, 2020


Another weird dream last night, and this one's rapidly disappearing from my memory, so the bits I can remember are:

  • Being coerced into arranged a date with a girl off Tinder by someone... possibly USHW or KfW2
  • This girl actually existing. We matched once, a year or so ago, but she unmatched quickly afterwards. No matches since.
  • When the date rolls round, I'm with a group of people house-hunting.
  • Tinder Girl doesn't know who her date is and chats to everyone but me.
  • USHW or KfW2 kick my ass and tell me to go chat to her.
  • I do, and we leave the others behind to go on our date.
  • In a nice bar, she admits that she used to be a man.
  • The date goes well and we end up having sex in a hotel.
  • I ask for her number to see her again.
  • She gives me her number but says that she's not often in London, she lives in Oxfordshire.
  • I tell her this may be an issue because I live elsewhere, too, but somewhere that would make further dates/a relationship difficult.
Somewhere around here, I wake up, confused.

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