Friday, July 03, 2020

Go me!

Last week, I bought a shelf at Homebase. today, over my lunch, I actually managed to get it onto the wall. And it's level, too.

It doesn't feel as sturdy as I would like, but that's the shelf rather than my handiwork.

I'm chuffed to bits.I'm useless at DIY. I came close to failing every woodworking class I ever did, only really passing due to my design and research bits.

In my adult life, I've done precious little. Decorating, yes, DIY, no. I managed a couple of things for FBS and FA2 when we were sleeping together and that was sheer luck more than anything else.

I've owned my own home for over four years, I'm over forty and I reckon you can count the amount of DIY things that I've attempted on your fingers and toes.

So putting up a shelf is a big deal for me. I'll celebrate with a beer later.

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