Thursday, May 16, 2019

End of the line.

Poor CC... I think it's the end of her "relationship" with her long-time friend and now lover. It's difficult enough to maintain a long-distance relationship, but to start a relationship from distance is much, much more difficult.

And so it was... almost from the beginning, the now-boyfriend was not in contact frequently enough and the contact that there was was often via text message rather than phone calls. The contact itself wasn't great either, I'm led to believe - no utterances of how gorgeous or sexy CC is - that kind of thing.

She was also concerned that she wasn't his priority and that opportunities to meet up with CC were sometimes put aside in favour of meeting his friends etc.

While I haven't said as much to her, it sounds to me like he was treating CC as a fuck buddy rather than a girlfriend.

And a final bizarre, but funny, criticism is that he doesn't like sex at night. CC herself is not a morning person. KfW2 was incredulous.

"You take it when you can get it" she declared. Though she has three young kids and is juggling a career. Or maybe she just really loves sex? Though admittedly, I am in agreement. It's been a while since I've had regular sex, but I had no preference for mornings over evenings or vice-versa, nor have I had a partner who'd voiced such an opinion.

Still... CC's back on the market (or will be after tonight).

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...