Friday, May 24, 2019


I couldn't help myself. She's my friend. But she loves a plunging neckline does E, so over dinner and many, many drinks, I fought all night long to make eye contact.

I was mostly successful, but I'm pretty sure my eye wandered... and I'm pretty sure I was caught at least once.

Still, it was a brilliant night. I introduced E to a new restaurant that she loved, our chat flowed just like it used to do, and we had a lot of drinks. I had expected E to call it early, but she was as eager to stay out and prolong our night as I was.

It was well past midnight when we called it quits, with a semi-arrangement to do something similar in a few weeks before she returns home, this time with her sister in tow.

A tactical day off followed and I hope that the tentative plans work out.

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