Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Oh dear.

There are few things as tiring as waiting around all day, without any control over what's happening. That's what happened late last week. A family member went to A&E after a fainting incident. Nothing serious, but I think they were shaken up. They went at 6 AM, called me soon after, I arrived at 9 AM and I left at 7 PM.

The staff were brilliant - this is not a rant against the NHS - but the waiting around was a killer. By the time we'd arrived, bloods had been taken and were being analysed. A few hours after I arrived, there were x-rays and MRI scans. A few hours later again, we saw a consultant who advised an overnight stay for monitoring (though he had admitted there was nothing in any test so far to be wary of). And it was, again, another few hours before there was a bed available.

By the time I got back home - after 8 PM - I was ready for bed.

It took me a good few days to get that fatigue out of my system.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...