Sunday, April 28, 2019

Da Doo Run Run.

A message from KfW2:

"I'm doing Couch to 5K after work, wanna join me?"

I hate running, but as USHW says, I'm a sucker for a pretty face. I'm also short on self-motivation for fitness. It was a tempting offer.

"I don't think my legs are up to that these days" I replied.

It's the truth. My Achilles are still temperamental and even a short, gentle run to the bus (100 metres) can often be extremely painful.

"I think I'd need to see a specialist if I wanted to get back into regular exercise" I added.

I don't know if that's strictly accurate - I want to think that my Yoga program would help a great deal, but it would be weeks before I'd see any improvement even if I started today.

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