Saturday, June 02, 2018

Nice to meet you.

It wasn't entirely unexpected but Quiet Girl (amongst others) left immediately after the meal, so I didn't get a chance to chat.

In fact, of the fifteen people who came out, it was the same people who stayed out afterwards. Mostly. That's not a bad thing - the people who stay out are good fun and I regard them as my friends. And that's something that I can take some pride in - I built up the camaraderie in the team that made people want to spend time with each other.

And it was a good night. It's pretty much guaranteed with this group of people.

Ultimately, I'm disappointed that Quiet Girl left so early. While she's not part of my team, she does work with us, so it would have been nice to get to know her better... and it would have been nice that she wanted to get to know us better, too.

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