Friday, July 16, 2010

The arrogance of women who do online dating

Well, I finally scraped together a message for a girl on Plenty of Fish. She seems quite nice (according to her photos), but her profile is really, really bare. She likes watching films and eating out. Well, thanks for that detailed insight to your life, love. I scraped together a message: upbeat, inquisitive and suggesting that her profile is a bit lacking and thus hard to gauge who she is. I attached a few photos of myself (it's only fair, isn't it) and send the message.

A few hours later?

Message read and deleted.

This is what gets me. My profile is a good overview of who I am. It's a good few hundred words long, but no overly long. There's plenty there for people to get an idea of who I am, but not enough that I tell everything. And yet there are women out there that can barely stick together three or four sentences that give away nothing. I guess that's been my overall experience with women on dating sites. They just seem so arrogant. All the advice given on websites about internet dating (especially the first contact email with a woman) implies that every single email should be a work of genius and the funniest thing committed to keyboard. it doesn't say what you are to do when the woman's profile says fuck all. Do they really get so much mail that they can't reply?

Or, an excerpt from this article:

When it comes to women, they love knowing that you took the time to learn more about them. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to ask her questions about herself that have already been answered on her profile. What do you think this tells her? It shows her that you based your decision solely on looks and couldn't be bothered with actually reading her profile.

You can learn so much about a woman from her profile. Learning about her hobbies or interests can help you determine if you will even be compatible. You can really impress her by quoting from her favorite book, or even commenting on her skills in a sport or hobby. This will take you a step further into her world. A woman loves a man who pays attention!

What? How can I take the time to learn more about them when they say nothing in their profiles? It's not just this one girl... a lack of decent information is a common trait shared by many women over plenty of sites. Offhand, over six months and four online dating sites, I can think of four profiles that really enticed me into messaging them. FOUR.

It's this online dating etiquette that pisses me off. I've complained about it to A and DSC (both of whom have had no issues getting plenty of dates using Plenty of Fish or My Single Friend), but they have no answers. I have to still make the first move (really, women don't make first contact...) then poring over their (limited) profiles to try and cobble together an interesting email that will entice them to reply, and all they can do is read, maybe delete and not even drop me a refusal. Some of these women are on Plenty of Fish all day long and have been for months. It's not like they're never online.

Oh, What I really need right now is a beer and a ciggie.

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