Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The online dating thing is now officially beyond me now. I honestly have better luck trying the more random method of meeting people in bars etc. I wasn't expecting online dating to be necessarily easier at meeting someone with potential of being more than a fleeting acquaintance.
Online, where things are meant to be more targeted with everyone looking to meet new people, I have gotten one date, Date No. 1 and a couple of stop/start conversations that have yielded nothing. That's from approaching over sixty women. In bars, I have considerable more success approaching far less women. Go figure that one out.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Is no news good news?
In other news, QC2 is still quiet. Our semi-planned night out is still just a verbal agreement to catch up at some point.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
K commented that she didn't think I was the sentimental type.
I hadn't considered myself to be, but there you go.
Today, while sorting out lots of paperwork (and recycling old stuff that I didn't need), I came across a stash of stuff from down the years. Some of it is probably worth holding on to, some not, but it was interesting to see, for example, that I still have an old (joke) Valentine's card from QC1 from years ago, letters from R2 when she was living in America, a letter from a (female) friend of mine in New Zealand, old leaving cards from previous jobs etc. I probably will never throw these out. Interestingly, I've kept nothing at all from FA2, a woman I dated for over two years (well, in terms of mail that I might be emotionally invested in). However, that's mostly to do with the fact she didn't give me anything that held sentimental value to hold on to. I do still have an old box of Lego that she gave me as a birthday present one time. She might be a complete bitch, but Lego is Lego!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
At least at this point, I can still try and arrange an alternative drinking partner if I choose to do so... and at this point I kinda do. I might see what M is up to tonight.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The arrogance of women who do online dating
A few hours later?
Message read and deleted.
This is what gets me. My profile is a good overview of who I am. It's a good few hundred words long, but no overly long. There's plenty there for people to get an idea of who I am, but not enough that I tell everything. And yet there are women out there that can barely stick together three or four sentences that give away nothing. I guess that's been my overall experience with women on dating sites. They just seem so arrogant. All the advice given on websites about internet dating (especially the first contact email with a woman) implies that every single email should be a work of genius and the funniest thing committed to keyboard. it doesn't say what you are to do when the woman's profile says fuck all. Do they really get so much mail that they can't reply?
Or, an excerpt from this article:
What? How can I take the time to learn more about them when they say nothing in their profiles? It's not just this one girl... a lack of decent information is a common trait shared by many women over plenty of sites. Offhand, over six months and four online dating sites, I can think of four profiles that really enticed me into messaging them. FOUR.When it comes to women, they love knowing that you took the time to learn more about them. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to ask her questions about herself that have already been answered on her profile. What do you think this tells her? It shows her that you based your decision solely on looks and couldn't be bothered with actually reading her profile.
You can learn so much about a woman from her profile. Learning about her hobbies or interests can help you determine if you will even be compatible. You can really impress her by quoting from her favorite book, or even commenting on her skills in a sport or hobby. This will take you a step further into her world. A woman loves a man who pays attention!
It's this online dating etiquette that pisses me off. I've complained about it to A and DSC (both of whom have had no issues getting plenty of dates using Plenty of Fish or My Single Friend), but they have no answers. I have to still make the first move (really, women don't make first contact...) then poring over their (limited) profiles to try and cobble together an interesting email that will entice them to reply, and all they can do is read, maybe delete and not even drop me a refusal. Some of these women are on Plenty of Fish all day long and have been for months. It's not like they're never online.
Oh, What I really need right now is a beer and a ciggie.
No inspiration
While I wouldn't say that each of my previous attempts has been a work of art, I can confidently say that they've all been tailored to the person I'm sending them to - not cut and paste jobs from me thank you very much.
I was hoping to talk to DSC about my profile (and my attempts at contacting women) but she hasn't been on MSN at all this week and before I could get chatting about it on Wednesday, we were joined my my 'friends' which kinda scuppered that avenue of conversation.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
An unexpected night out
Anyway, what was originally meant to be a couple of quiet drinks for a couple of hours turned into a bit of a session as a few acquaintances of mine showed up and joined us. It was funny because I would have assumed that a bloke and girl on their own in the pub on a Wednesday night would have been on a date, but my 'friends' just sat down and engaged in conversation. It ended up being a good night though, although not one that was planned. Isn't that always the way though?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A wake up call
The thing is, I've got a slim build, but I'm way overweight. I'm only guessing, but FitDay required some information and based on my height and weight, has now told me that I'm obese. Obese, for Christ's sake. If that's not an incentive to get up off my ass and pay more attention to my diet, I really don't know what it.
Hopefully now I have proper recording tools at my disposal, I should make some headway and keep on the programme and actually see some results. Couple that with an alcohol embargo (I've really been hitting it hard this year) and I'm hoping that I should be seeing some results fairly soon. Well, maybe not this week as I'm on holidays, but next week, when I go back to work (and by association, the gym).
Saturday, July 10, 2010
And just one more thing...
Oh, woe is me.
DSC says I'm too picky, but I can't help who I find attractive, can I? There's a good post about it on this blog that I pretty much agree with. Without the physical attraction, I don't think any relationship has legs. My current list of potential dates on Plenty of Fish is around thirty. Not all of these are perfect matches. Some are a little on the young side for me, one has kids of her own, but they all have profile pictures and I find all of them attractive.
I'm still not convinced by the online dating thing. I've tried many different approaches and all of them have failed. Long opening emails, short ones, standard ones, tailored ones, I uploaded loads of photos, created couple of decent profiles and this has all gotten me the square root of bugger all. I've honestly had more luck chatting to strangers in the pub. I think I need a woman's perspective on this and I think I'll have a chat with DSC this week to see if I can turn this around. I do have one message that hasn't yet been read, and I'm hoping she does reply as she does have a good, interesting, fun profile.
Monday, July 05, 2010
All partied out... for now.
Saturday night was M's house-warming party. We've both done the online dating thing this year. He's divorcing his wife (or has already, I'm not entirely sure of the timing) and I think I've already mentioned that we've both dated (albeit separately) Date No. 1. Anyway, I was reliably informed that his house-warming would be chock full of single women, though not that this was a condition of my attendance. He's a good lad, M, and I would have gone anyway.
Sadly though, the single quotient at the party was very low. It was just me and an old friend of mine from school. I was taken by this stunningly attractive blonde girl who was easily the same height as me, but it soon became clear that she was M's girlfriend's sister and married. Damnit. However, as I said, a plethora of single women was not the reason for my attendance, and the party was great. It ended very late, I was quite drunk and spent all day yesterday recovering.
I have another busy weekend coming up. I just need time to recover!
Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...