The weather here for the past three days has been absolutely glorious. That has good and bad points. The positive is that the weather is good for raising the spirits and it's good for perving as the female population dresses down. The bad is that I tend to get terribly dehydrated, I lose my appetite (not necessarily a bad thing... I eat too much as it is, I think) and the high temperatures mean that will get about an hour's sleep tonight if I am lucky. Last night, it was about two hours at most, on and off.
That's OK at the weekend because I can sleep late, but during the week, I need my sleep otherwise I am useless at work. Before last Xmas, this wasn't an issue. I was working on long/medium term projects that had deadlines every six to eight weeks, so the odd off day could be soaked up. Now, however, I am working on short term projects that have a turnaround time of about two weeks, including TWO to hand in this week.
That's going to mean long days until I van get the work done, which is going to put me in a foul mood as who wants to be stuck in an office when it's glorious outside?
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