Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I've had better weeks.

This week has been hell. I've lost a lot of sleep because of the heat from the start of the week, plus work's been a real drag. I've been really busy trying to get a project out the door and now we've discovered a real-time issue in another of my projects that will require urgent attention, thus pushing back another project I should be working on. Part of it's my fault obviously, but I think these mistakes (really quite small in the scheme of things, but have large consequences) could have been avoided if we worked differently.

Communication in our place is a serious issue with project updates being routed through my team leader instead of coming stright to me and often days late (sometimes at the fault of my team leader, sometimes not). I'm not stressing over it - I'm new to the team(ish) and still relatively inexperienced, so mistakes are bound to happen and I think it's best to make them now and learn from them than make them months down the line through carelessness. I'm frustrated that the mistakes have been made though - in my old team, I was very good at my job and it's hard not having the reputation and having to build it up again.

Still, I had a chat today with the only female (currently) in our team. She's kinda weird in that she is generally very blunt and abrupt, but can soften up and be quite approachable. When she's being abrupt, she can be quite intimidating, but when she's not she can be a very good chat - interesting, intelligent and very funny. I'd like to get to know her a lot better, but the seating arrangements don't really help stimulate conversation within the team. There's no attraction there in the romantic kind, though she is quite pretty (in a Sarah Silverman kind of way).

I've also had various technical issue that are frustrating (and ongoing), not least my internet connection going AWOL for nearly two days straight. I know, it's only two days, but I felt like my left leg had been cut off, and the lack of email came at a bad time for various reasons.

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