Friday, June 15, 2007

more dreams...

I had a dream a few nights ago where I was at a quiz of some kind. Christ knows what kind of quiz it was or where it was, but Jennifer Aniston was the question master. Getting towards the end of the quiz and I was in second place, close behind some guy. Whatever happened in the final round, I ended up tying for first place, so we went into a tie-breaker which was to identify Christmas songs or whatever.

I went first and they played something I didn't recognise (making a smart comment to Jennifer about how Christmas sucked ass and how the quiz was weighted against me, which she laughed at). Then they played “I believe in Father Christmas” to the other guy, who went off, called his mate on his mobile, and came back with an answer... the wrong answer.

For some reason they gave him the quiz as the tie break winner. Jennifer came over, had a quick chat and gave me her hotel room number and asked me for a drink afterwards. She seemed quite down and in need of a chat, so I agreed and she cheered up at that.

So, next thing I knew, I was in this hotel trying to find Jennifer. It's not any hotel in my home town nor anything like any hotel I've been in or seen before. It was packed full of people (like a shopping mall or similar, but far too many people for a hotel) and it was HUGE. The thing is, no matter where I went within this hotel or where I looked, I couldn't find Jennifer's room, though the guys at the desk were forever telling me that she was in her room and expecting me and even giving me directions to it.

This went on for some time until I woke up, before I found Jennifer again.

I woke up feeling quite disappointed that I never found her room to have that chat.

There's a deja vu element to this. The quiz thing is new, but the hotel thing seems incredibly familiar. Not in real life, of course, but I think I've had that portion of the dream before. Does it mean anything? I'm not sure. FBS thought that dreams meant something. She had a few books on the subject, but I never read any of them and FBS never talked about what imagery, so I've no frame of reference to even make a guess.

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