So, it was a bit of a surprise when KfW2 followed up a text message with a phone call last evening. We spent most of the 45-minute call talking about her upcoming week, a training course and meeting new people. She cited her own social anxiety and how it's affected her recently. We'd talked about it before, but it seemed a lot less impactful than my own. I've seen her in groups of people and she always seemed at ease meeting new people.
Last night, though, painted a new picture. Per her admission, it seems that she's as bad as I am, or nearly as bad. If she were as bad as I am, she'd still be working alongside me on a daily basis. However, I don't want to turn this into a "who's worse?" competition. We're due to actually meet in person to do fun stuff next weekend, and I hope it's something we can maybe go to a pub, sit in a corner and talk about in more detail.
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