Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Just one kiss

Another bit of a mish-mash dream last night. I dreamt that I was in New Zealand, with FA2. I was living with her, we were in a relationship, and I was out and about, not really doing anything. Who should I bump into but CH. I don't know what she was doing in New Zealand, but immediately all the stuff between us was right there. The cheekiness, the surreptitious touching... everything.

Except there was no one around for her to hide her touching, so she got increasingly more bold as we talked... and yet, as in the real world, something was holding her back. CH pulled me into a hug, but she wouldn't let go. Eventually, it was too much for me. I went in for the kiss and she backed off immediately.

She never explained why she backed off, just that she did. She made her excuses and left.

There were other parts to the dream, but they feel unimportant. It was this position that I remembered upon waking this morning.

I do miss CH sometimes, though I've not thought of her in quite a while, and how our friendship ended will always sadden me. Her inability to take criticism was probably always going to have an impact on our friendship.

And the New Zealand setting of the dream also gave me some wanderlust. I'd love to go travelling again.

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