Monday, November 22, 2021

Eye candy.

Years ago, I shared a photo with USHW of a work event that I had attended. In it were a brunette girl and a blonde girl, both very attractive. I can't remember why I shared the photo. I was probably showing USHW one of my work crushes.

You'll probably be unsurprised to hear that the brunette in question was KfW2, and she hasn't really changed in the fourteen years since the photo was taken. The blonde has changed, and for the better, in my opinion.

While I would never say that the blonde and I were friends, we were on nodding and "hello" terms. I recall a moment a few years ago where I was queueing for a local comedy night and the blonde walked past and saw me.

"Ruuude!" she exclaimed, a big smile on her face.

"Blondie" I replied.

She walked on, that was the extent of our exchange.

My companion, I'm pretty sure it was E, was terribly excited and demanded to know if she was someone I could date.

Why the somewhat random topic? Well, I'm just off a video call with the blonde. Nice. It brightened my day! Well... a little. I didn't get exactly the news that I wanted to hear, but I did get some support, which is a start.

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