I had three separate, weird dreams last night that are rapidly fading away. My sleep pattern is all over the place these days. I can get to sleep no problems, but I will wake up three or four times during the night, usually around the same time. So I'll wake somewhere around 4 AM, get back to sleep. 5:30 AM, get back to sleep, 6:30 AM and get back to sleep before waking a final time around 8 AM.
From last night, I can remember two dreams, one featuring KfW2 and one featuring E. E popping into my head is a no-brainer. I sent her a message yesterday via Facebook as I've not spoken to her in months, and I realised just after I sent it that it was her birthday today, so I followed that up with some birthday greetings.
Both dreams were fairly similar. I was spending a lot of time with E/KfW2, we were doing something, I can't remember what, but the end of the dreams were us drifting apart for reasons unknown. I think the other dream followed a similar patter, though I can't remember who featured in it, if anyone.