Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Just talkin'

I took a notion to message F last night. I think it was because I was reading through some of my old chat logs from years ago and randomly picked the month that led to her coming over for a visit and us spending the weekend in many, many bars getting drunk, taking the mickey out of K and me watching pretty much every man stare at F. It's not that F is drop dead gorgeous or a traditional head-turner the way I would classify QC2 back in the day, or KfW2. She does, however, have a massive rack. And she could put her legs behind her head. You can imagine that, having demonstrated that to me in a bar, it didn't take long for her to be approached by complete strangers. She returned from the bar, with drinks, giggling at the attempts to pull her. She cuddled up to me, just to tease the guys in the bar.

So, I messaged her on Facebook, just for a chat. I know she's not having a great year due to her FB posts, so I thought I'd check-in with her. I hate doing this kinda stuff publicly. Even if I see something on Facebook, I tend to chat to people via Messenger, but more often email or text messages... away from Facebook.

She seemed in OK form, and it didn't take too long for us to hit our stride again, conversationally. It was nice to chat to her again, even if it was only brief.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...