Monday, July 23, 2007

Re: D'oh!

Of course, the answer is quite simple. I'm scared of rejection, even for something where I'm asking someone I like to stay in contact. Three years ago, V and I had the beginnings of what could have been a super friendship. It might have been more, I did sense a certain amount of sexual tension between us and I don't deny that I found her extremely attractive, but I never saw it going to another level (plus my limited time with her meant nothing big was ever going to happen). So, yes, a great friendship.

We lost touch when I came home. I sent a quick "thank you" letter and small gift for her hospitality when I came back and I made the odd half-hearted attempt to get in touch, but nothing serious and I heard nothing from her in return until the Facebook thing.

Now, after swapping a couple of brief messages, everything's gone quiet again. I could try and add her as a friend, but these things are two way streets for those of you that don't know Facebook. I have to request her friendship and she has to grant it. And... well... I'm scared (?) that she'll reject me or add me as a friend, but never speak to me or that she'd only add me as a friend because I made the request and maybe she's had no interest in knowing me at all since I left.

I should just grow some balls, shouldn't I?

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