Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Challenge Accepted!

Tomorrow is meant to be the start of my "challenge" with Random Internet Woman. At least a mile a day, every day, for the entire month. That's a total of 30 miles. I think she's planning on running it, though I am only planning on walking it as I've been sedentary for so long, that I don't want to rush back into anything.

So my overall goal is to complete the challenge - walk a mile per day.

But that is extremely achievable, so I do want to add some bonuses to that:
  • I want to do a lot more than the 30 miles, but I don't want to put a figure on it. I'll start off doing the mile per day, then if I feel up to it, I'll up the distance.
  • If I do fall off the wagon or life gets in the way, I still want to do the distance, so if I have to do extra on some days to make up for what I miss, then I'll do that.
And if I get through that, I'll be happy, especially if the bonus kicks in. I hope that the small effort of the exercise, plus getting out of the house will motivate me to stay with it and possibly break out the yoga equipment to add to my exercise.

Monday, October 30, 2023


G's just sent a message. He's coming over in a few weeks, though neglected to tell me which actual dates. I think it's 10th November, but that's to be confirmed. I've not seen him since FP's funeral, so it's going to be interesting.

Sunday, October 29, 2023


A few months ago, after a short stay in the hospital, FP passed away. He'd been ill for around a year if I understand things correctly. It was a serious illness that was going to have a significant impact on his life expectancy, even without any complications. He had shared the news with me at the start of the year, but he'd played down the risks. I don't want to explain in any more detail than that. It was rare. Rare enough that he could potentially be identified if I said any more.

Anyway, he was admitted to the hospital for something unrelated. While they were able to treat and fix the issues, complications arose, and he never recovered. He was effectively in a medically induced coma for nearly a month but showed no signs of actual recovery.

His passing isn't the first that I've had to deal with during the lifetime of this blog, but it's up there with the most impactful. He was one of my closest friends (with KfW2 being the other), one of the very few people that I could trust, and who would be a sounding board for me. Before he was ill, we'd be in contact several times a week and see each other in person at least once a month.

Years ago, when I introduced FP to KfW2, she was astounded that we could almost predict what the other was going to say to the very word. He was more than a friend; FP was family.

KfW2 has been a star, you'll probably be unsurprised to hear. She has a big heart, and it's one of the reasons I consider her to be one of my closest and best friends and love her dearly. She keeps asking me if I'm OK. I am... mainly... but it's not been smooth sailing.

The funeral was tough. However, KfW2, AM, QC1, G, M and BR were all, in attendance, so it was comforting having those people around me. It was also comforting seeing how many lives he's touched, how many people attended the funeral and the number of stories told over drinks afterwards.

Both AM and QC1, separately, promised that they'd be in touch about meeting for dinner or drinks. I'd love it if they did follow up on that. I can't say that I'm optimistic though.

Even now, I find myself reaching for my phone to give him a call or send him a text message about football or just something silly. Nearly every day brings a Facebook memory where FP is an actual participant in shenanigans or has left a comment.

Old school friends have been in touch, which in turn makes me miss him more because some of the people who've been in touch would have been worth reporting to FP simply because of who they are or the news they've shared.

I also feel a little guilty. I should have been in touch with his widow, but with the work stuff that's gone on over the same period, I've not really had the energy to contemplate it. We also don't really have a relationship. FP's wife always kept herself away, despite being invited out to the pub or for coffee and other social events, but I think that's a story for another time.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Good and bad

So, the bad news: FBS has cried off tonight's gathering. She's got the cold/flu/Covid and is not shifting from the sofa. We've postponed until she's feeling better.

The good news: I got about three hours of sleep last night, having one of my semi-frequent insomnia nights. There was nothing on my mind per se. No one thing was bothering me, but I just couldn't turn my brain off.

So, I was delighted when FBS's message came through this morning and I was not slow in offering to postpone, which the other guys have agreed to.

Friday, October 27, 2023


The conversation with the random person from Reddit is still going on. I'm still trying to figure out where this will go. Am I likely to share information, like my name? I don't know. I know her name. She has offered her phone number, which I've not taken. She made a comment about me visiting, but that was just a passing comment... until she made it weird. Or did she? I don't know. Sigh. Now I have a dilemma. I was enjoying having an anonymous pen-pal. We've only been "talking" for just over two weeks, albeit a couple of messages per day. I have some pondering to do, I think.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Bite me.

At last, the dental work is complete.

"Don't chew on it until tomorrow," she advised.

Bugger. I've been eating soft foods for the past few weeks, and I really wanted to have something to get my teeth into (no pun intended).

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Itchy feet.

KfW2 is in London this weekend with her eldest, as a birthday treat. While it's "only" London (rather than, say, somewhere hot and sunny) it's given me the travel itch again. the list hasn't changed since my last post on it, though a few recent Facebook posts from BR is making me contemplate the northwest of America and Canada: Seattle and Vancouver.


Over the past few months, I've had a lot of dental work done. While my teeth do appear to be more brittle these days, this was not new work, it was replacing old work that was over ten years old. And it's fucking expensive.

I was meant to get the last piece of work done last week, only for the surgery to phone me on the morning of the appointment to postpone the work until next week.

"Can I get it done any sooner?" I asked. I'd already had a replacement Crown pop off a few times, and I've been eating food on one side of my mouth for the past three weeks.

"We'll see, but she's fully booked up. I'll let you know if there's a cancellation."

And today, the crown has popped off again, and I wasn't even chewing on that side of my mouth.

Roll on getting this fitted properly.

Friday, October 20, 2023

The memories strike back.

I had a day off today, and with Storm Babet currently ravaging the UK I was on the sofa with the heating turned on and watched Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. It was inspired by my FA2 reminiscing a few days ago and provoked a few further memories of FA2 taking me to the cinema to see it.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Hello again.

Out of the blue, Ideas Girl messaged me on Facebook last night. It's been a while since she was in contact, and I was a little hesitant when I saw her name pop up. Thankfully, her crush seems to be long gone. Or, at least, she's not getting drunk and lairy with me any more.

This time, it was about work. Work's been interesting over the past few months. I've been very busy, but there are also other things happening that have caused quite a stir.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Thinking back.

I was bored, in a three-hour meeting when I decided, as I do sometimes, to peruse the local property website, daydreaming and window shopping.

Imagine my surprise when FA2's old house popped up. I'm pretty sure that I've posted about it before, and not that long ago. It was the house that FA2 lived in when we started dating. While the house had understandably changed in the twenty or so years since FA2 lived there, I still spent a while reminiscing about the early stages of our relationship and the numerous times we were physical in the many rooms in her house.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Something to ponder.

The random stranger on Reddit has proposed a challenge of sorts... to walk at least a mile per day in November. Apparently, she used to do something in October every year but has been a bit under the weather this month and hasn't gotten into the challenge this year.

So, I'm thinking that this might not be a bad idea. Gets me out of the house, fresh air and exercise. A mile's not a big thing. A 20-minute walk. Quicker if I push myself.


I didn't sleep very well last night. I think it was the post-walk pain starting to kick in. I can't remember the last time I did a walk with Nerdy Girl, but according to my fitness tracker, I recorded 6.15 miles. I forgot to start it when I passed by CB Pub, my usual starting point, so that's probably an extra 0.5 miles.

By the time I got home, my Achilles tendon was sore, I had blisters on both feet and I was knackered. But still 6.5 miles. That was, according to MapMyFitness, 1000 calories. That seems excessive for a 2 hour, 3 mph walk, but even if it's close, I'll take that. I should do that more often.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Still suitably impressed.

Isn't it always the way? No sooner had I posted the last post, than I found a picture.

Suitably impressed.

I watched the most recent Mission Impossible film last night. I enjoy them as decent action flicks, but the newest one is memorable for two things: Hayley Atwell and her suits. I've mentioned before that I think HA is a stunning-looking woman, and I've also mentioned that I love women in well-fitted trouser suits. So seeing both in one go is a massive plus. Sadly, I can't find any clips or photos or I'd happily share them here.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Get out.

I'm meeting Nerdy Girl tomorrow for a walk. The weather's meant to be dry, and it's been ages since we've done a walk. Plus I kinda need the company, though not for any specific reason. It'd just be nice to see someone in person.

In other news, I've been swapping emails with USHW over the past few days, and it's been really nice to hear from her. Hopefully, we can keep up the momentum.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Planning ahead.

I sent KfW2 a quick message. Did she want to come to mine for drinks once she gets the next two weekends behind her (she's busy for both, and I'm seeing D, FBS etc. on the Halloween weekend)?

She did and was very enthusiastic about it. I can't remember the last time I hosted KfW2 at mine, on her own. It might easily have been a few weeks after I moved in, which is many, many years ago.

I might even get to use a Christmas present that my sister bought me a while back - gin glasses.

"For when KfW2 comes to your house," she explained.

She knew that KfW2 and I love gin.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Out of the blue

For the past few days, I've been having a slow and anonymous conversation with someone who claims to be a woman. It was all due to a comment that I'd made answering the question of the state of my mental health.

I don't think my answer was that bad - I've come out of a tough couple of months but had also been wrestling with something long-term that I've never really properly been able to put my finger on, but on the whole, I was doing OK. So nothing hugely alarming, from my own perspective.

And I got a message from someone asking how I was. And from there, we've had a brief conversation. I think it's fizzled out, but it was fun and interesting while it lasted.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Happy talk.

E and I have been swapping Facebook messages over the past week. We've been a little more open with each other than we usually are, when using Facebook. 

We've both had a tough September, so I think we needed to be a little more open, avoid our typical small talk and get into the meat of it. The conversation's still ongoing, and it's slow. 

I'm still a little bemused that we can be close, and be totally comfortable around each other and yet, we still need to ramp up after periods of no contact. Especially when we're doing it across time zones and not in real-time. I still miss her and I can't wait to see her next year.

Monday, October 09, 2023

Ticking off

So, per my last post, I made a start on taking some time off. I've the next three Fridays booked off, plus a couple of extra days on top. I still have ten whole days to take in two months, but at least I've some breathing space now.

I also, though this feels weird to say, cut the grass in my back garden. It's a week into October. I thought I'd done my last mow in the middle of September. I'm not sure how healthy the lawn is. There might be a moss issue, and there's definitely a weeds issue. The weeds issue stems from not having a back fence and the weeds encroaching from the wild bank that separates my garden from my back neighbours. It's been on my to-do list for ages, but like everything else, I just can't get someone out to quote me for the work and it's beyond me.

I need to source a couple of glaziers to service some windows. If I can send off a few messages tonight, that'll be quite a productive Monday.

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Taking my time.

I need to start thinking about taking some time off. I already have a week booked off for Christmas. But, with only two and a bit months left in the year, I still have thirteen days of annual leave to take, plus about two or three days of accrued TOIL (time off in lieu). So three working weeks, in total, of time off to take.

I think I'll start by taking the TOIL over the next few weeks. I'll take the next two Fridays and enjoy long weekends, even if I rarely leave the house.

The actual annual leave is another matter. I have enough time that I could easily work a 4-day week from now until 2024. But I don't know if I want to do that. I can't really justify taking a week off for nothing, though. At least, not in the winter. In the summer, I can easily spend time in the garden, when the weather's nice, just listening to music, reading a book and chilling. That does a great job of recharging the batteries.

But in the winter? 

Long gone are the days when KfW2 and I would hit the Christmas market for a day of drinking. I'd still be up for that, but KfW2 has a family and no annual leave left. But that would only be two days anyway - the day itself and a recovery day.

It's a nice problem to have. Frustrating, but nice.

Saturday, October 07, 2023

School days.

I can only remember bits and pieces from the dream last night, but I was on what felt like a school trip to the south of France or somewhere in Italy. There was lots of hanging around, waiting for things like transport etc.

Inexplicably, I was accompanied by my sister and, of all people, Brie Larson. I ended up in a fight with a guy I went to school with, who had dated CAB long before I met her.

I kicked his ass, for reasons that I can't remember, and then I woke up.

Friday, October 06, 2023

Hello again x 3

Obviously, given her blog name, one of my first thoughts was that SSCW reminded me of Sarah Silverman. And that's still sorta true, to be honest.

But I've also seen a lot of her in Joanna Garcia Swisher, too. That's an actress I'm not massively aware of outside a one-episode cameo in "How I Met Your Mother" where I really liked her.

So, in tribute to SSCW reaching out to me a few days ago, here are some pictures. First, SS, and then JGS.

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Hello again... again.

E messaged me on Facebook last night. Her court thing with her ex (and the father of her kids) is done, to her satisfaction. That opens her up for a trip home next summer, and her plan currently is to be home for an entire month.

I'm already looking forward to it. I miss E.

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Hello again.

Out of the blue, I got an IM from SSCW today. We ended up chatting on and off for a few hours. It wasn't a deep conversation - pretty much all small talk - but it was nice to hear from her again.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023


I need some time off. I'm only back at work after a tremendous week off at the start of September, chilling in some really nice weather, reading some books and absolutely not thinking about work.

Yet it's been non-stop since I returned. There have been long days, missed and late lunches, snarky comments from those supposedly in charge and lots of pressure.

Luckily, I have LOTS of time to take before Christmas, and I plan on taking every single minute available to me.

Monday, October 02, 2023

Who nose?

So I came across a thing on Reddit earlier... nose kink. In a previous job, I can genuinely say that I've seen enough (print) porn and erotica that I can safely say that nothing surprises me any more.

A list of images and gifs of attractive women such as Ruuude favourites Morena Baccarin and Abigail Spencer.


Sunday, October 01, 2023


One of the things Nerdy Girl suggested on Friday was trying to get out for more walks this month. We've not done a walk in ages, plus she's signed up for one of those step challenges. Now, bearing in mind that our regular route is roughly 6 miles. For me, that's easily 12,000 steps. Nerdy Girl is shorter than me, so you'd imagine that'd be more steps for her.

I know I keep saying this, but I do need to a) get out of the house more and b) get off my arse and burn some calories, so if the weather's agreeable, this could be a good start. As long as I don't get blisters, which has been a feature of our last few walks.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...