Saturday, October 22, 2022


KfW2 sent me a message at 4 PM.

"Are you in?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

I was expecting her to ask for some kind of favour. That's how pessimistic I am these days.

"Nothing. Was going to call in, if you like?"

"Oh, yes please!" was my reply.

And so, 20 minutes later, KfW2 and her kids arrive. I make us coffee and we chat while the kids browse my Disney+. I'm enjoying KfW2's company but it feels weird... stilted. We talk about our weekend plans. I might be meeting S for drinks later, though I reckon he'll not be in touch. KfW2 is hosting friends for the evening.

Then somewhat inexplicably she goes to the car and brings in Hallowe'en make-up for the kids. It turns out that they're going to a kid's Hallowe'en event in town once they leave my place, and they've just come from a birthday party.

So, did KfW2 call in because she genuinely wanted to see me or because I was going to save her nearly an hour of driving home and then returning to the kid's event?

I should make another attempt to get her out before we get into the whole Xmas season. That's when she's least available.

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