Friday, July 30, 2021

Sigh (closure)

Unexpectedly, my sis and bro-in-law arrived at lunchtime with the long-promised garden furniture. It's a really nice set, and I'm chuffed to bits with it.

I still think I could have gotten a set weeks ago and had many, many hours of use out of it by now though.

So, mixed emotions, but I am at least prepared for the next spell of good weather that we have!

Sigh (cont'd).

So, following on from this post, the garden furniture sourced by my bro-in-law has yet to arrive. He promised month-end (this is probably the third "delivery date" that he's promised me). He also promised a nicer, cheaper set than I'd been able to get by myself. However, that appears to be incorrect as well. The set shown to me was nicer - with a few additional extras to make it nicer - but I'm not getting them. From what I can tell, thee set that my bro-in-law has sourced is pretty much the same as the one I'd spotted months ago, that I could have had there and then.

So, I could have had a furniture set six weeks ago that I'd found. It was a little expensive but that would have been justified with the fantastic weather we've had since the start of June. I could have had people round for drinks, food etc and been able to socialise outdoors within the Covid guidelines.

Now the good weather has gone. It's dull and wet and the promised second heatwave doesn't look like arriving.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Up and down.

233.0 lbs today, so another small increase. Given the amount of beer taken last week, that's not really a big surprise that there's been a small weight gain.

Overall, I am kinda disappointed that I've somewhat plateaued around the 233 lb mark, but it did coincide with a heatwave and lots of beer. In order to get those numbers moving downwards again, I'll need to really mix it up... or lay off the beer.

Thursday, July 22, 2021


I've always suggested that my catchment area, for online dating, is small. Even in real life, six degrees of separation? Hah! Someone always knows someone where I live.

I've posted before about coincidences, so that shouldn't be a surprise. The frequency of them might be, though.

I was at my sister's house earlier when my bro-in-law started talking about a girl. He looked at my sis.

"You know the girl who..." then described her profession, then her name.

I know her. Well, not "know" per se. I'd seen her on Tinder and she has a distinctive name.  I think I once suggested to USHW that I would like her for Xmas shortly after I'd swiped right. What's not to like? Cute, great figure, brunette, successful.

My bro-in-law showed me a pic. It was the same girl.

"Yeah, I know her."

"Oh? Where from?"


"She was on Tinder?"

"A few years ago, yeah."

We chuckled at the small world we live in and moved on. No-one asked me if I'd swiped right on her. Did they assume I did?

Half an hour later, my sis is talking about a uni friend.

"I think I know who you're talking about," I said.

"She's not changed since uni," bemoaned my sister, referencing her looks.

She surfed Facebook. Sure enough, it was cute uni friend.

"I've seen her recently," I admitted.

"Where?" asked my sis.

I smiled.

My sis and bro-in-law looked confused. I thought the logical leap was simple. They clearly didn't.

"Oh, Tinder! I though you'd have assumed that." I said.

Then my sister started talking about how... I wanna say eccentric... she was. I don't think that's the right word to use, but it seems to fit this story.

Again, they didn't ask if I'd swiped right. Would it have made any difference?  (I did, FTR, every time she popped up).

Like CB and MFF from ages ago, contact with a cute girl, is so near yet so far. I don't think my sis is close enough or in contact enough with cute uni friend for there to be any kind of introduction via my sister.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sawing wood.

I always knew I snored... at least since I started sharing a bed with people. I'd always been told it could be quite bad, but I never knew how bad. Until this morning.

As I think I've posted before, my sleep over the past while has been appalling. Even without the reflux waking me up in the middle of the night, my current pattern seems to be:

  • Fall asleep (usually quite easily)
  • Wake early (say around 3:30 AM)
  • Doze for an hour or so, wake up.
  • Get back to sleep, doze for an hour or so, wake up.
  • Get back to sleep. Wake around 7:30.
  • Doze off again until about 8:15.
I can't remember the last time I had an unbroken night's sleep. So, I decided to see if I could do something about it and started tracking my sleep with an app on my phone. Now, it's only been one night, and the results might be skewed because of the weather, but it records as well, so I can hear my snoring at 2:17 AM. Apologies to any of the woman I've shared a bed with over the years. Or any of the people I've shared a hotel room with.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Funny how.

I was going to make a post about how, one time, a taxi driver was incredulous that E and I weren't an item. this would have happened a few weeks before she left the country. Then I realised two things: first of all, I'm pretty sure I've posted about this before, so I won't repeat myself. Secondly that it's not the first time someone has confused my relationship with someone else.

An ex-colleague (we never really worked together, but our company is social so I'm on 'head nodding' terms with hundreds of people) approached me in a bar one night and asked how long KfW2 and I had been married. She was at the bar at the time, hence his inquisitiveness.

Finally, a schoolfriend of mine asked G how long I'd been dating a girl I had a massive crush on. I've posted about this girl before - destined to leave and go travel and live elsewhere and was mature beyond her years. And I did have a massive crush on her, and we were friends and I probably was spending a noticeable amount of time hanging out with her, hoping to see something that would indicate the attraction was mutual. It wasn't, though. But at least I can understand this one. The two above are mysteries.

There was also the fact that CH's friends, and maybe even CH herself, thought I was trying it on with her when we first got introduced. They told me as much, one night, when we were out for a work thing. But that always confused me because, in the early days, there was nothing to be suspicious about, and when we did get to the ambiguous touching etc, it was a two way street (and mainly coming from CH, and she started it). So I found it funny that OK, MFF and CH were admitting that they initially thought I was trying to get into CH's underwear, only to change their minds after seeing no evidence, when CH would regularly grab my ass surreptitiously or linger on a kiss just a fraction longer than you'd expect. 

Monday, July 19, 2021


I didn't sleep particularly well last night - the heat was just too much and I was awake from 3:30AM, with brief dozes in between waking periods. However, I do remember a dream where I was hosting a BBQ at my house and all of my friends and family were invited. The reason? To introduce them to my new girlfriend: my sister's very cute friend from university. There was a lot of build up and everyone had arrived and was chilling, except for my new girlfriend. The dream ended as she arrived and I led her into the garden to meet everyone.

The frustration levels, this morning, were high. I'm lonely in general, but my sister's uni friend ticks loads of my (physical) boxes: tall, athletic, very cute.

Back in the saddle

I didn't do a check-in deliberately last week. I was on holiday and my schedule was all over the place. The numbers today are not bad: 232.4 lbs.

While that's a slight increase on the last check-in (0.2 lbs), there has been a fair bit of alcohol taken over the past few weeks due to the good weather, guests etc. so I'm not particularly disheartened with that.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Ups and downs.

Talk about highs and lows. Late afternoon yesterday, I had a couple of QC1-related memories. One was of a conversation we had a few days after I'd had my second date with CAB. It was very last minute - the eve of a trip abroad to visit AM and QC1. QC1 was being inquisitive and asking questions about where I saw it going, which was interesting as I'd only known CAB for about a week.

The second was a night where a bunch of work people were in the same bar as QC1 and her work friends. While my work friends were stood at the bar, I went over to talk to QC1 who is, I may have already explained, a very attractive woman. When I returned, they were asking me questions about her. When I claimed that she was "just a friend", they didn't believe me and we got talking to a few girls who were stood next to us. That's when I dropped my bombshell... I'd met someone new and I was still figuring out where it was going.

"Oh, I love that period of time!" exclaimed one of the girls.

We chatted on. The girl in question was RB, and this was a few weeks after we'd first met (which was only a few days and thirteen years ago, fact fans) but before the doomed first proper date. Obviously, it all fell apart in the end, but the two memories were of the same thing - that first few weeks when you meet someone and you're trying to figure out where it's going, the excitement of meeting someone new etc. It's a feeling I've not had in a long time.

And that, after the pleasant memory of FA2 yesterday morning, led to a somewhat melancholy evening, a feeling of, loneliness.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Back around.

For some reason, just after I got out of bed this morning, I was hit by a powerful memory of giving FA2 back massages. FA2 often asked for back massages. I have, I think, posted about my appreciation of backs. So, it will come as no surprise, that I loved giving back massages and rubs.

I don't know why the memory popped into my head this morning, but it was a pleasant thought nonetheless.

Friday, July 09, 2021

Showing off.

I had a poor night's sleep. It was late before I drifted off and early when I woke. There were dreams, but barring one aspect, I've no idea what the contents were. Saying that, the aspect I do remember is something.

I was receiving anonymous, sexy, naked pictures from someone. Body shots only. But it wasn't from a phone number I recognised. I eventually figured out who was sending the pics from the tattoos: FBS.

I woke up before the dream went anywhere though.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Ho hum.

My brother-in-law randomly appeared on my doorstep this afternoon. It was a visit I had anticipated for the past week. I assumed it was to help pick up the garden furniture that he'd promised would definitely arrive before the holiday weekend.

It wasn't the case.

It's definitely coming, but not by this weekend.

"Before the end of the month," he promised.

That's not ideal. This spell of good weather we're having is bound to end sooner rather than later and I'm concerned that the window for being able to put the furniture to good use is fading away. It would have been nice to get people round and be able to sit in my garden, having a drink, being social.

I can still do those things, but it would all be a bit more rough and ready than sitting a table with some nice chairs.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021


I've been supremely bored over the past few weeks and have ended up revisiting and binging several TV shows, namely Agent Carter and Person of Interest.

A common factor has been the appearance of Bridget Regan. She very much has a Stacy Haiduk vibe going on. I've posted previously about how I'm a fan. The same can be said about Bridget Regan.

She also popped up in John Wick when I watched it a few weeks ago.

Monday, July 05, 2021


I'm expecting some garden furniture to arrive within the next few days. I don't know when exactly cos it's out of my hands: my brother-in-law is arranging it. The thing is, while I am expecting it, I don't know if it will arrive by Friday. That'll be disappointing. I could have had garden furniture delivered a few weeks ago but my brother-in-law told me that he could get a nicer set, for cheaper than the ones I'd been looking at.

I've seen the pictures. It is a nicer set. But we had this chat about four weeks ago and I've not had any indication from my brother-in-law about when it will arrive. He assured me it would be long before this weekend (it's a bank holiday where I live).

I have some time off booked in work, and I had hoped//planned to spend some of that time outdoors, having a beer and using my new firepit, possibly with the company of FP or KfW2.

Weighing on my mind.

Weight-in today: 232.2 lbs

So, a lot of what I put on a few weeks ago has dropped off - 1.8 lbs to be precise. I can only presume it's some kind of water retention, but at least, unlike last time, it didn't stay on.

I'm gonna try and get back into the yoga this week. Physically, I know I'm in terrible shape and that's both driving me towards the yoga, but also reluctant to start it as well. I feel like I'll break something if I do. 

Sunday, July 04, 2021

The sound of silence.

Rather disappointingly, the messages to E didn't spark a conversation. She did reply, asked a few questions of her own, but my own reply to her has, as far as I can tell, gone unread. Still, disappointment aside, it does remind me of the trips I used to take to visit E around this time of year, partly to celebrate her birthday.

It would end up with us doing a pub crawl of wherever she was living, playing pool if we could, drinking and generally chatting.

And I always had a really good time. I think she did, too. I miss E. I miss travel. I miss pub crawls.

Thursday, July 01, 2021


FBS has been on my mind a bit recently. Well, more in the "erotic dream" sense than particularly thinking about how she's doing.

Those dreams have prompted a memory: in the lead-up to FBS and myself having sex, there had been several weekends where I'd stayed over and slept in FBS's bed and nothing happened. I had wanted to sleep with her, but I had no idea how to even raise the subject. We'd made out a few times before or simply spooned on her sofa. There had been a couple of times where things had gotten beyond that - fondling her breasts through her clothes, but nothing more. During the "sleepovers", there was no snuggling or touching... we simply shared a bed and were usually nearly fully clothed.

However, one night, lying in bed I couldn't get to sleep. FBS's cats were mewling downstairs.

"What's up with them?" I asked.

"They're horny," FBS replied.

I sighed. I was too. Incredibly so.

"Yeah, me too," FBS said.

I turned to face her. I opened my mouth to speak but she spoke first.

"Yes, I want to fuck you." She slapped my chest. "I don't know that we should."

"OK." I rolled back onto my back. I wasn't going to push anything. I've never pushed for sex if the other party isn't 100% sure. Though the very fact that she'd said "fuck" in relation to sex was turning me on even more. I've definitely posted about this before.

FBS got out of bed and left the room. She returned a few minutes later, slipped into bed and started touching me.

We were kissing in seconds, naked in minutes and fucking a while after that.

It would be harsh to say that the friendship fell apart within the next two months as FBS wanted more than I could give, because we weren't really friends at that stage or I didn't view us as friends. I knew FBS through D, though we both worked in the same department. But without D, it would have been unlikely that our paths would have crossed and without the lust, we'd not have socialised together alone.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...