Thursday, August 03, 2017

Things that make you go "hmmm".

I struck gold with Bumble earlier this week. A stunningly attractive blonde girl matched with me and even messaged too! But that stopped as soon as it started.

Plus she's 5000 miles away, so I've no idea how we matched in the first place. Nor do I think her photos make her look in her early forties as she claims. She looks early twenties.

Along similar lines, a friend of CC's who I've matched with on Tinder before (who closed her account before I had a chance to message) is also back on. While kids and distance are a problem (to me), she gives off a vibe that would make me pursue something if we do end up matching.

In addition, KfW2 and I were out with her kids. We had both taken some personal time from work. We do this reasonably frequently, but today, while looking after her ankle biters at an outdoor play park, she was doing a lot of bending over and giving me a right eyeful down her baggy top.

While my non-platonic feelings for KfW2 are gone or buried really deep, this sight, along with the recent online dating experience has brought certain frustrations to the surface.

In addition, the hair loss that I noticed a few weeks back seems to be a lot more advanced/prominent than I had realised, thanks to a photo that KfW2 took today. While I'm not particularly vain, this has caused a bit of a funk, assuming that it is going to continue and isn't a temporary side-effect of this year's stress.

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