Sunday, August 13, 2017

Oh dear.

Within seconds of me getting into bed last night, IG sent a message on Facebook.

Was I out?

I replied that I wasn't.

Did I want some company?

I said that I was in bed.

She reiterated her question.

I reiterated that I was in bed.

I put down the phone and went to sleep. When I woke this morning, IG had continued sending messages, calling me a disaster and implying, I think, that my inflexibility was why I was still single. She also made comments about me not being attracted to her.

None of this is news to me. I already know that once I am settled for the evening, that it's almost impossible to get me out the door, even if that's at 8 PM (rather than after midnight like the above conversation). I've turned down nights out with GM and S, for example, because they didn't call until well after 9 PM and I was watching a film.

And while I like IG, I am not attracted to her in any physical or romantic way. She's good fun, but there's nothing more there. That's the second time that she's implied something more than platonic friendship directly to me. Next time, I will have to say something.

And there's frustration, too. If I am reading the messages correctly, IG was offering a booty call. Why couldn't that have been someone I was even mildly attracted to?

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