Monday, May 05, 2014


It's strange how these things happen... I was bemoaning the lack of conversation with KfW2 and was going to try and have the same conversation with GM about my funk. Lo and behold, as I was telling KfW2 about GM, we got onto the subject of online dating and my funk.

We covered some of the conversation that I had with GM, specifically his success which was only marginally better than mine over a longer time period, and I'd said that I had taken it personally again. KfW2 re-iterated a point she made about her own husband's experiences that mirrored GM's to a certain extent.

KfW2 suggested that I was going after the wrong women.  I don't know exactly what she means and I didn't get a chance to clarify that point, though she did follow up with a question about whether or not the dating sites matched me with people with similar interests (they do, obviously). That might have been her point. I messaged women who I thought were cute (unless their profile was really bad), or were borderline cute with good profiles. Anyone who really didn't float my boat in pictures or profiles were not contacted. I can't help who I find cute and who I don't.

What was disappointing was that I didn't feel that there was too much in the way of sympathy coming from KfW2... maybe we're still not finished talking about it (I hope not, I think there are still some things to say), but I did warn her what the fallout would be if I went through with online dating.

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