Friday, May 23, 2014

Ah well.

Despite giving up on online dating at the end of last month, I never deleted Tinder from my phone. I don't know why - it's not that I was getting anywhere with that either, despite the simple concept (yes or no based on photos and one you both say "yes", then a conversation can start).

I've had a few mutual matches, all of whom have deleted their profiles within a day of us being matched. There's one outstanding match left, matched on 5th May, but I'm really not feeling any desire to start a conversation really. Not one person has seemingly said yes to me after I've said yes to them and I've viewed probably about a hundred profiles.

So when that kinda hit me yesterday, I got a bit funked again.

That then reminded me that I was still a bit disappointed in a lack of sympathy from KfW2 and that I hadn't managed to tie her down for a conversation about it.

Then (and perhaps because of that reminder), we ended up angry at each other - me, because she was taking too much time to do silly stuff and pushing lunchtime to the limit and her because I was angry at her.

I stand by my loss of temper - far too often KfW2 calls the shots regarding times - coffee breaks, the time we go for lunch etc. She typically wants to eat around 1PM, so that's the time we tend to go for lunch. Any deviation on this is her idea 95% of the time. Any time I suggest an early lunch, for example, is usually rebuffed or she'll agree then get caught up in something that manages to magically get resolved at 1PM.

I ended up going for lunch by myself, but the bad mood passed quickly and we were on speaking terms b y the time work had to be resumed and we were back to normal by today. It's the first time since we've been friends that a proper argument was close to breaking out, though.

And then, last night, I saw a girl on Tinder. She might have been on one of the dating sites - her face was very familiar (and she was stunning). Of course, I swiped "yes", but I can easily do that... I know that no-one's going to swipe "yes" back.

It didn't stop me from telling USHW about her though and making lots of drooling comments.

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