Friday, May 23, 2014

Another blast from the past.

I've just realised that today is/would have been my anniversary with FA2. We actually had a bit of a joke around it. We had gone out on a proper date the night before - our first actually - though we had been out socially before and ended up hooking up. We ended up back at hers that night and slept together, but the next morning FA2 initiated a conversation about actually dating before we had sex again.

I'd always said that our anniversary was the moment we had the conversation rather than the actual date itself, but FA2 disagreed and any time it was mentioned, it usually ended in some good natured 'arguing'.

That is, until our actual first anniversary when I gave her flowers and a present and booked her favourite restaurant on the day I consider to be our anniversary.

She had been moody the night before and I kinda knew why, but I wasn't making any reference to it. I wanted her to let me know. When I handed over the flowers etc. she was very grateful, but something was still bothering her.

It was later when we were getting ready to go out that she got irritable. I'd missed the date, she said. I didn't care, she said.

I told her that I'd gotten all the gifts for the day we officially started dating, especially given the courting period where it was not really dating, just hooking up a few times.

She reiterated the claim that I didn't care. I told her that she was wrong and that I was disappointed that she hadn't made any effort herself. I didn't even get a card that year, not even on the day she considered to be the actual anniversary.

She calmed down an hour or so later just as we were leaving for the restaurant and patched things up quickly after that, but it always bugged me that it was me who made more effort during big holidays and milestone dates rather than her... especially given how the relationship ended and her justification for what happened.

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