Sunday, August 04, 2013

Missed opportunities?

I had anticipated a quiet weekend - UF and MfW have gone away and I have the place to myself and was planning on chilling out. Then I got an email from a couple of friends - S and GM included talking about a last-minute night out.

We started off having drinks at mine, then headed into town, generally having a laugh, chatting to tourists etc.

GM got chatting to a couple of girls and the rest of us sat down. By this stage, I was fairly drunk, but the banter was good. GM whispered conspiratorially to me that I should stay close to the thin brunette, that I was definitely "in" there and he seemed to be right, but the problem was that I had no interest in "closing the deal". There was simply no attraction there for me and when that's the case, I tend not to be able to motivate myself and even though I've been horny as fuck over the past month or so, this was no different.It's already been suggested by USHW that I should have gone for it anyway, just for the ego boost if nothing else... and the release wouldn't have done any harm either, but I don't think I'll ever be able to screw someone that I have no attraction to, even as a one night stand.

A good indicator is how I feel the next day - even now, I still have days where I am annoyed at myself for not approaching CB when I saw her in the pub on New Year's Eve, but I have zero regrets about not pulling the girl on Friday night.

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