Sunday, August 18, 2013

Alcohol and morals.

S, GM and I had an last-minute and unexpected night out. While we were waiting for S to show up so we could go to the pub,. GM and I were talking about CH. We covered old ground mostly, stuff that had been said before - how our friends were worried that our personalities would clash, how CH can be very forthright, how focussed she was on her kids (and how that made her unreliable for social engagements). I mentioned that CH and KT were starting to talk more and GM mentioned that CH's morals seem to disappear once she's had a few drinks in that her general chat becomes much more x-rated.

I think it's more general than that - her morals in general tend to go on holiday when she's drunk. It would certainly explain the ass grabbing and the lack of a slap when I grabbed her tits when we were out one night.

GM and I have been talking about getting CH (and others) out for a proper, non-work night out, but that's not going to happen for at least another five or six weeks.

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