Sunday, August 04, 2013

Making plans.

After a chat with the family a few weeks ago, I think I have decided to seriously look into buying a place of my own. This isn't going to be something that's done in the next few months - I'm looking at doing something this time next year which will mean spending the next year trying to tidy up my finances. I don't have a lot in savings and a couple of outstanding debts - credit card and student loan. The credit card debt I should be able to clear pretty quickly and is the least of my worries... the student loan has been outstanding since I left university over ten years ago.

I do currently have a plan in place for clearing it and I'm about halfway through it, but the timing isn't brilliant with my new timetable about buying a house and it will have a big influence on the amount I am able to borrow.

It means I will end up renting for another year and that's going to mean dealing with MfW who can be pretty difficult at times, but I am already excited about buying a house. What I will need to do over the next few weeks is sit down and make some effort at organising my finances. I'm not in a bad way, but it's all rather unstructured. First plan of action is to try and clear my credit cards, possible before Christmas, then see where I am after that.

1 comment:

Kal said...

Oooh exciting times ahead then. Good for you! :)

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