Tuesday, August 20, 2013

And. Here. We. Go.

After a conversation that KfW2 and I had on holiday that definitely brought us closer together, I've been looking forward for the past five or six weeks to getting her alone and continuing the conversation. KfW2 still hasn't learned the lesson - that I'll answer questions but I find it hard to talk about myself without some kind of stimulus, but talking to her gave me a level of confidence that I wanted to act upon, but was never given the chance.

A few days ago, KfW2 admitted that she'd been talking to my sister about finding me a woman. This lead on to some light hearted joking around and then a comment from me where I mentioned something along the lines of "everyone's trying to get me a girl these days". She demanded to know who, so I told her - KfW2 herself, my sister, CH, GB and others. The thing is, I've no idea if any of it's true. CH mentioned it once. As did KfW2. I added my sister to the list cos KfW2 mentioned her, not because I had any evidence. And GB was there for CB only.

That prompted a few questions from KfW2 that led me on to my current relationship-related funk. Due to the conversation happening in work, it's been slow going - we've probably only covered a fraction of what I've posted about on here over the past few years on the same topic.

It was still going strong when I had to pack up and leave, but I want this to continue... and I think she's interested too. And I think the stuff we've yet to cover is probably the more interesting - frustration with GB, CB, what I can do to get out of the funk etc. I daresay we might also get sidetracked into other topics that we've already briefly touched upon - Date No. 1, online dating etc.

We probably won't get a chance to continue for another few days, but I have to make sure we do start talking about this again.

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Giveth and taketh.

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