Saturday, August 10, 2013

Makes you think.

I was going to make a post a while back bemoaning the lack of perceived effort by my female friends who all want me to meet someone, but don't actually seem to want to do anything about it. The most recent would be CH who, even after I'd drunkenly suggested CB, pooh poohed the idea because she doesn't directly know her.

The reason that I bring it up now is that I've just read an article in Men's Health where it states that the most common way to meet someone is through friends. I was going to go off on a rant and say that it's absolutely rubbish, but then I got to thinking... most of the people mentioned here, in terms of girlfriends and the like i.e. those who've had influence on me rather than one night stands, have mostly come from friends.

I met FA1 through a friend of AM/QC1
I met QC1 herself through AM
I met CAB through a friend of BW's
I met FA2 though BW
I met QC3 through D*
I met FBS through D*

There are more, but I think that's plenty of evidence to backup that I do meet people through friends. However, none of the above were setups, which kinda takes me back to my original point. Hmmm.

In fact, now that I think about it, roughly half the women I've slept with have come directly or indirectly through friends (or friends of friends). There are very few actual randommers in my history.

*We did work in the same office, so our paths may have crossed regardless.

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After Nerdy Girl and I had done out walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the...