Sunday, June 03, 2012

I think my body is giving up on me...

Following on from my last post, with the good weather kicking in and getting out on the bike a few times, I was planning on using that to kick start a fitness programme. I'd looked at a few things online so that I could do a bit here in the apartment, the plan was to hit the gym as well plus get out on the bike. The more varied I could make it, the more chance I would have of sticking to it and getting a routine going.

And then I woke up on Monday morning with a sore neck. Not stiff, as if I'd slept on it funny, but actually sore. I couldn't move it an awful lot and all of this week, I've been in pain, despite necking painkillers like M&Ms, using anti-inflammatories, heat rubs, water bottles etc. Even now, a full week later, it's still there and seemingly no better, and depending on which way I move my head, the pain can be at the top of the neck all the way down to right between the shoulder blades.

This has happened a few times over the past few years - when I am in a position to get some exercise, I get injured or something and the notion passes me by so that when I heal, I no longer have the motivation.

Not this year - I have a complete drawer full of summer clothes that I've bought over the past two years that I've worn once. So I'm determined that I'm going to get full use of them this time around and that means losing some weight.

Actual figures don't concern me that much - I'm much more a believer in being happy with your body than worrying about actual figures on the scales or the size of my jeans, but I'm going to need to step on them at some point if only to see how difficult my task is going to be. I'm guessing the ballpark figure will be two stone.

Is it possible to lose two stone in two months?

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...