Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sometimes, Facebook can have its uses. When I was a member of many years ago, there was a girl who really piqued my interest, when I was talking to DSC about her, I referred to her as CB as she was a Cute Brunette. Based on the limited profile and beyond the obvious physical stuff, she ticked a lot of boxes - funny, dry, able to laugh at herself, intelligent etc.

So why mention this now? Well, pottering through Facebook this afternoon, I was viewing CH's profile. I've mentioned CH before - we've only known each other for about 18 months, but I appears to have made quite the impression with her and her friends. She's married with kids, so it's not that kind of impression, but it didn't stop her two friends from going all girly and giggling behind their hands and pretend-gossiping each time CH and I stopped for a chat.

I got involved in a chat with one of the friends recently and as a result of going to her profile, I saw that she had befriended CB on Facebook. I wonder if I can use this to my advantage to engineer a meeting? I'm always being told to be more proactive with respect to meeting women and I have mentioned that I am concerned that it's been a while since a woman really interested me (RB, in case you're wondering thougth maybe MMBF more recently), but before that, CB was someone that I did want to meet.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...