Friday, March 16, 2012

The start of a big weekend.

I had my time out with QC2 last night. I was pushing the MMBF angle without trying to make it look as if I were pushing the MMBF angle. Also, QC2 had forgotten that I knew MMBF, so she hadn't done any ground work over the past few months, which I'd been hoping for. Apart from that, it was a typical QC2 meet up - lots of chat, a little secret perving by me and just a generally good time.

I'm also still IM-ing this girl from the dating site. She's already asked me why I haven't used her number yet. I'm avoiding the site over the weekend, but sticking with my plan to send a text tomorrow. We were chatting again last night until well after 1Am. That's three nights in a row. I like chatting to her, but I'm not sensing any real chemistry (though I guess we'd need to meet to really see what there is). My plan remains the same - text tomorrow, see where that goes and by Sunday at the very latest, will suggest meeting.

Unless she's so impatient that tomorrow is too late for her to wait. But she does know that I have a lot on this weekend, so hopefully she can just wait until I do text.

Ah well. Also, for the first time ever, I vocalised one of my concerns about the length of time it's been since I met someone I actually really liked (4 years, RB, for the record). I mentioned it to QC2 last night, who said that if broke up with her partner, would probably be in the same situation. I've met plenty of people over the past four years, just no-one single with whom I really connected.

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Giveth and taketh.

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