Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dating site adventures. (Part 2)

Right, against my better judgement, I fired off another text to this girl from the dating site. She'd gone quiet after I suggested coffee early next week, depsite her being very pro-active herself (after all, she contacted me first).

So, under advisement from a few others, I sent a text yesterday afternoon and she replied last night. However, I dunno what's going on. While she appears open to conversation, and she has agreed to coffee next week, I dunno. I'm starting to get the feeling that she can't say "no" and isn't that interested really.

Either way, I've arranged o give her a call over the week so that we can make arrangements about meeting up. As I said before, she seems fun, but I'm expecting her to make it difficult enough to meet rather than just say she's not interested.

My problem is that I shouldn't even bother phoning her. I should bin her off and either shut down the account or contact someone cute but I am stubborn and just want her to say it rather than fucking play the usual games that women play because they can't do tha mature thing.

But, it's the weekend, the weather is nice and part of me is trying to be optimistic and think that she might start being proactive again and maybe send a text or something, like she was initially. Though I'm laying a side bet that when I call tomorrow evening, she doesn't pick up the phone.

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