Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sat nite

I was out in the pub with FP last night and his new mates. I say "new", because these guys (one in particular) have crawled out of the woodwork within the last few months and by Christ, if FP doesn't bend over backwards to accommodate them. It's these guys that usually don't make decisions about pubbing until it's too late to go out (and then the arrangements have to filter back through FP to me, so it could be FP that's the bottleneck), plus the fact that FP seems so insistent on letting them call the tunes. Actually, I did have to chase FP for the info at 8PM, and he was able to give me an answer. Maybe it is FP that's the trouble here?

Anyway, to be honest, I don't know if I like FP's mate or not (wide boy character mentioned in other posts). Most of the time, he's sound enough, but he's not the type of bloke I usually hang around with. Even with my current barren spell, I'm not as desperate for a shag as this guy is. When in the pub, his entire focus is on girls. It's unbelievable and, well, off-putting.

However, I did have a good time on Saturday night. Myself and FP split from the crowd early on and found a corner to stand in and watch the totty and hen nights in the V.I.P. area of the pub (this is where FP's female infatuated mate comes in handy). There were some stunners there too, and while there was a bit of banter with a small group of girls, that's all it was going to be. None of the girls took my fancy (apart from one, who was gorgeous, but I was just "meh" about it. I can't really explain it), so having a laugh with them was a good enough result.

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