Monday, August 13, 2007


I finally made it to the gym... it only took several months to summon up the smallest amount of energy to go down and re-register and then another week of "yes, I will... no I won't" decision making each day about actually getting off my arse and heading down. 

I enjoyed it. I always do. It's nice to work up a sweat (under any circumstances) and I did put myself through the paces tonight, albeit only for 45 minutes. I've passed the first test. My hamstring (because it's all about that at the moment) is feeling fine. My legs are tired (it was all cardio/legwork today), but I'm not feeling any pain in the leg.

The plan is to go another three or four times before easing back into the football at the end of next week. If that all goes successfully and my leg holds up after that, I'm hoping to use the gym more to sort out my fitness (with a little work on losing a bit of weight and body trimming/toning).

Along with playing footy each week, I should be exercising Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. That should be plenty... though I might also target an extra hour over the weekend at some point, especially if I'm not doing anything else. Getting out of the house for an hour or so is a good thing. 

I also caught a glimpse of GC tonight who has changed her hair colour. She's now a brunette. She suits it. I think that it could be her natural colour. Her hair was just too blonde and at times her roots were too dark. I could be wrong though... I'm a bloke. What do I know about hair colour?

Either way... she looked good. She had a client, so I didn't stop for a chat and I don't think she saw me. What I need to do is sort out some playlists for the gym. I had one that looked good, but it wasn't really. I need more up-tempo stuff to keep me going. Still, that's the first step. All I have to do now is get into the habit of going twice a week!

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