Thursday, August 23, 2007

The good, the bad and the ugly...

I'm not sure if the title actually is meant to say anything. I typed it, but haven't thought it through at all.

Anyway, V's added more friends to Facebook, but I'm not one of them. I've no idea if I'm still pending or if my request has been ignored. My guess is the latter, but Facebook doesn't make these things easy. Bloody site!

Anyway, frustrations with Facebook aside, I'm still at a loss about V. Her contact has always been extremely positive, and although she does have a tendency to go AWOL for periods of time, I've yet to see anything from her that says she's never glad to see me (when I lived in her neighbourhood) or hear from me (in the very few times we've communicated since I came home).

V always struck me as the straight talking type and she didn't fuck about with any of this fake bullshit, so I assumed that when she said and wrote nice things about me (all unprovoked by drugs and alcohol), that she actually meant them. It appears that she didn't (or that she's simply not interested in long distance contact). Either way, I'm disappointed and it kinda looks right now as if I'm giving up on V... another female friend added to the list of people who aren't worthy of my attention any more.

On the plus side, contact with QC2 has been great. Confusing, but great. QC2 is like myself... we don't say much unless we've got stuff to say. She has been really quite vocal recently. OK, so it's only since Monday when she replied to my text message from the previous week, but I've been arriving in work (we've been swapping emails using our respective work accounts) to little messages that are very unlike her. It was only little things like telling me she was hoping the weather stayed nice for an outdoor concert I was going to, or emailing the day after the concert to ask how it went. You know, small talk. Little thing. In fact, I'd have related these kinds of messages more to someone I was dating (or was dating) than someone that was my friend and had no romantic feelings towards me. I'm not complaining, just, well, a little confused. We still haven't set a date for meeting up, but it's less of an issue if we maintain some kind of semi-regular contact, though I would love to see her again.

I guess I'm just never going to understand women. If any female passers by read this and have anything insightful to offer on the actions of V or QC2, then please drop me a line!

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