Monday, August 20, 2007

Another week... with something to look forward to!

I met QC1 for lunch today. That was good. I liked that. We had a chat, which was good, but because it was lunchtime, it was cut rather short. I reckon we could have chatted all afternoon, had we not been called back to our respective places of employment. There's a chance we'll meet up on Wednesday night at a local outdoor concert, but I'll be with workmates, so it's hard to say if she'll come out for a drink without us afterwards.

I also heard from QC2 today, who's just back from a holiday with her partner. She tried to set a date (Wednesday night, naturally) so I've had to cancel. We're trying to arrange another night, next week. It'll be good to catch up with her, plus she's easy on the eye (might have had a crush on her years ago when we worked together) and it's amazing the looks you get from blokes when you're out with a gorgeous girl. QC2 turns many men's heads when she's out.

So, I've got this gig on Wednesday to look forward to, a mate's getting married on Saturday (evening do to attend) and meeting QC2 next week. I have a few days off this week plus I might be meeting FP for beers later this week, too. All in all, something to look forward to!

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Giveth and taketh.

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