Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I was wandering through my Facebook profile today after a technophobe chum (BW) sent three emails each to two different email addresses to let me know that he'd added me as a friend on Facebook.

I checked Facebook, but while there were notifications from a few people about all kinds of things, there were definitely no friend requests, so I returned the favour and sent my own request.

I noticed that there was a message that said "Friends requested" or something like that, but that was a few hours ago when I went to add BW. Going back now and I can't find any evidence that I sent the request. I get hundreds of notification each day of stuff other people do, but it seems I can't even track my own actions. (Of course, this would be handy to check the status of my friend request with V. Here's a question for any passers by: if V ignored my friendship request, do I get a message telling me or am I left in the dark?)

Bloody useless site!

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