OK, so with the new year just around the corner, what am I going to do?
I've already decided to go back to the gym. I gave it up because I was playing a lot of football, but I seem to be prone to injury at footy, which never happened in 18 months at the gym, so I'll go back there. I won't be taking up GC as a personal trainer though. I think I'm now experienced enough in the gym to know my way around and paying for the privilege of staring at GC's (fake?) tits, flat tummy and nice arse is beyond even what I will do!
I think I've also pretty much decided to join a dating website, at least for a month, to see what's out there. It's not a huge amount of money and the one I've looked at over the past few days does seem to offer a couple of potentially interesting women, but still the list of potentials is woefully small. I'm not comfortable doing it, for a couple of reasons: firstly there's still the stigma of using them. It shouldn't be a big factor because I know a couple of people that have used them to good effect. Secondly, I'm just annoyed that my social life is so crap that I can't meet people through normal channels (though I suppose there is a better chance of meeting someone through a dating site than simply turning up to the pub of an evening).
My promotion kicks in at the start of next week which should mean that I've got a little bit more money to spend on myself (and save!) I think that should broaden my possibilities for next year, too.
The previous entry, about comments, provoked a response from USHW who is of the same mind and, like me, is considering jacking in the blogging. I don't do the blogging purely for the comments, but I did have half a mind that I'd get to meet a few people and swap stories and the like. Ah well.
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Friday, December 29, 2006
People should comment more on blogs, I think. That's because I'm selfish. I want comments on babyneeds, but I think I've had about six in the entire time this blog has been 'live', not including three spam comments. I've made comments on quite a few blogs, though I don't leave return URLs because I don't believe in that kind of reciprocal thing. It should be a "pay it forward" thing. If people comment on your blog, go forth and leave comments elsewhere. It's good for the blogosphere and somewhere down the line, your commenting will be returned to you in kind.
That's the theory at least.
That's the theory at least.
Monday, December 25, 2006
The Xmas Haul.
Ah... weeks of planning and frustration and worry* and it's all over. Not a bad haul for me this year - most of the stuff I like such as booze, money and tokens. I'm actually looking forward to getting out and spending the dosh and token this year. I could do with a new pair of jeans and a couple of new t-shirts and perhaps a shirt or two. No Jessica Alba in my stocking though... damn you Santa! *shakes fist*
*There wasn't really any worry or frustration. I don't think enough of Xmas to let it get to me.
*There wasn't really any worry or frustration. I don't think enough of Xmas to let it get to me.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Xmas bash
Our Xmas bash has been a topic of conversation around the office for quite a while now. The guys and myself have been very vocal about the amount of money being spent on superfluous entertainment rather than putting it towards the food or a more popular form of entertainment such as the band or the DJ.
Anyway, the Xmas bash turned out to be OK. The superfluous entertainment was complete pants (as expected) and though I had a good time, it wasn't as good as I suppose it could have been, and was mainly due to having a laugh with my co-workers rather than any of the organisation.
On a more personal note, I was hoping that I might actually make some contact with Pretty Blonde, even if it was just to say "hi". I had a feeling that it would happen at the Xmas bash. to be honest, it's been on the cards for a while now, I think. I've no doubt that she's seen me about at our monthly things enough to recognise me. We do keep catching each other's eye, which is surely a good sign. Surprisingly though, I never did make contact. I saw her once, near the start of the night and then nothing after that. I have a sneaking suspicion that she left early...
Maybe next time.
Anyway, the Xmas bash turned out to be OK. The superfluous entertainment was complete pants (as expected) and though I had a good time, it wasn't as good as I suppose it could have been, and was mainly due to having a laugh with my co-workers rather than any of the organisation.
On a more personal note, I was hoping that I might actually make some contact with Pretty Blonde, even if it was just to say "hi". I had a feeling that it would happen at the Xmas bash. to be honest, it's been on the cards for a while now, I think. I've no doubt that she's seen me about at our monthly things enough to recognise me. We do keep catching each other's eye, which is surely a good sign. Surprisingly though, I never did make contact. I saw her once, near the start of the night and then nothing after that. I have a sneaking suspicion that she left early...
Maybe next time.
New phone!
Yay! I got through to O2 last week and negotiated a new contract which means I get a tenner off my monthly bill and a Sony Ericsson K800i (which I had to pay for), though I'm still going to save around £60 this year.
New gadgets are great!
New gadgets are great!
F*cking computers!
OK, I'm back after what seems like an eternity, but in reality was only about four days. I finally traced the problem to my wireless network card, but not until I bought a new wireless router and USB dongle.
I was going to buy one anyway after Xmas because my other one was well over two years old and the signal strength from the router to my PC got extremely bad at night (only at night for some reason). The new one has better range and a stronger signal, so yay!
I was going to buy one anyway after Xmas because my other one was well over two years old and the signal strength from the router to my PC got extremely bad at night (only at night for some reason). The new one has better range and a stronger signal, so yay!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
A quickie!
My internet connection has been playing silly buggers all day. It's taken me hours to accomplish the smallest of tasks and I really meant to post here earlier. As such, it's late and I'm tired so won't get into anything too lengthy.
Here's a brief overview with fuller details to follow later, probably tomorrow.
It's been a busy few days. Work's winding down as I'm moving into a new position at the start of next year (with a small chance of some travel). It was our Xmas bash last night, which I thought was underwhelming, but wasn't a bad night or the disaster that I had predicted. I got my year end appraisal which means that I know what my pay rise is going to be next year and my Xmas shopping is all but done.
USHW did make some guesses as to "the point" (see a few posts ago), but never mentioned anything in public. I may expand on this over the Xmas period, but will wait to see if she's going to offer up any of her guesses.
Here's a brief overview with fuller details to follow later, probably tomorrow.
It's been a busy few days. Work's winding down as I'm moving into a new position at the start of next year (with a small chance of some travel). It was our Xmas bash last night, which I thought was underwhelming, but wasn't a bad night or the disaster that I had predicted. I got my year end appraisal which means that I know what my pay rise is going to be next year and my Xmas shopping is all but done.
USHW did make some guesses as to "the point" (see a few posts ago), but never mentioned anything in public. I may expand on this over the Xmas period, but will wait to see if she's going to offer up any of her guesses.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
That time of year again.
So, I was out with my old work buddies last night. It's kind of a traditional thing that we get together every Christmas for a load of beers. Last night was no exception. Usually, it's just the guys, but last night FBS also showed up. FBS and I have a little bit of history. Over ten years ago, there were a few months where we did a bit of fooling around. I thought it was completely casual and never made any secret that I liked the fact it was casual, but eventually, FBS made it clear that she wanted something more. I couldn't do that. It was a lust thing for me and nothing more, though she is really nice, there was no romantic spark from my end. Physically, yeah - tall, curves, tattoos, a variety of short, but funky hairstyles. That's it, though. Friends with benefits.
Being the private person that I am, I never mentioned anything about our dalliances to any of my co-workers, though some of them were quite friendly with FBS. Word did leak out though. I guess FBS mentioned something, though I was unaware and denied it all. That wasn't done intentionally to hurt FBS, it was just a privacy thing and I wanted to avoid office gossip. Anyway, my co-workers have since made a point of taking the piss about my privacy, especially where FBS is/was concerned.
I left that workplace probably about eight years ago but popped in to visit every now and again (and I was still in contact with a few people on a more regular basis) and was told on one visit that FBS was still very much into me. I never pursued anything there, though, then FA2 came along.
Anyway, after all that background, I did detect some signals that FBS was still interested in me. I've noticed them infrequently when we've been out. They weren't major, obvious signals, but signals nonetheless. Being more tactile than usual etc. Given the week I've had, I'd have taken the opportunity had it been offered. That was never going to happen though because FBS's boyfriend was also out with us.
It was a good night, though. They always are with that crowd of people. It's a shame that QC3 didn't show up, as she was also part of that crowd, and she was always very easy on the eye and one of the sexiest people I've ever met. I suppose having a family is really time-consuming at this time of year, not to mention the financial aspect, too.
Being the private person that I am, I never mentioned anything about our dalliances to any of my co-workers, though some of them were quite friendly with FBS. Word did leak out though. I guess FBS mentioned something, though I was unaware and denied it all. That wasn't done intentionally to hurt FBS, it was just a privacy thing and I wanted to avoid office gossip. Anyway, my co-workers have since made a point of taking the piss about my privacy, especially where FBS is/was concerned.
I left that workplace probably about eight years ago but popped in to visit every now and again (and I was still in contact with a few people on a more regular basis) and was told on one visit that FBS was still very much into me. I never pursued anything there, though, then FA2 came along.
Anyway, after all that background, I did detect some signals that FBS was still interested in me. I've noticed them infrequently when we've been out. They weren't major, obvious signals, but signals nonetheless. Being more tactile than usual etc. Given the week I've had, I'd have taken the opportunity had it been offered. That was never going to happen though because FBS's boyfriend was also out with us.
It was a good night, though. They always are with that crowd of people. It's a shame that QC3 didn't show up, as she was also part of that crowd, and she was always very easy on the eye and one of the sexiest people I've ever met. I suppose having a family is really time-consuming at this time of year, not to mention the financial aspect, too.
Friday, December 15, 2006
This has been a *ahem* frustrating week. I'm not sure what exactly has provoked it, but I've been thinking about sex pretty much constantly. I think it's down to two main reasons. First, it's a crap time of the year to be single. It doesn't bother me that often that I'm single, but I usually get pissed off around this time of the year if I am single. Second, I think the flirting with USHW made me think about getting a shag (oh, and as for "the point" mentioned below, it never reached there, USHW is wondering what it is, but hasn't made any guesses yet).
For the past few nights, I've been having some incredibly erotic dreams about GC. I've no idea why. She is attractive and all that but, as I've no doubt mentioned before, she's not really my type and we have absolutely nothing in common as far as I can tell. I'm sure I'm analysing them too much, as usual. They were very enjoyable (but frustrating) though!
For the past few nights, I've been having some incredibly erotic dreams about GC. I've no idea why. She is attractive and all that but, as I've no doubt mentioned before, she's not really my type and we have absolutely nothing in common as far as I can tell. I'm sure I'm analysing them too much, as usual. They were very enjoyable (but frustrating) though!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I'm knackered. I spent all day trying to get through to O2, my mobile phone supplier, only to get knocked back with the choice of phone they were offering. Now, I've just spent another few hours hunting down mobile tariffs and it's sapped all the energy from me. *sigh*
Bloody mobile phone companies!
I'm in the hunt for a new phone. The new-ish Sony Ericsson K800i looks quite nice and with the built in camera, is just the thing I'm looking for. However, if I want to upgrade to it, I'm being told I have to pay £140. Fuck that for a game of soldiers. On an additional note, to"upgrade" to my current phone, I'd have to pay £80! That's just taking the mickey completely. *growl*
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Flirting with USHW continues unabashed.
Still not a good idea.
Still good fun.
There's a point that this conversation of ours could get to. I'm not sure if/when that will be because I am keeping it at bay, but it'll be interesting nonetheless to see what happens if we get to that point.
Still not a good idea.
Still good fun.
There's a point that this conversation of ours could get to. I'm not sure if/when that will be because I am keeping it at bay, but it'll be interesting nonetheless to see what happens if we get to that point.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
My taste in women... continued.
Remember, ages ago, I mentioned FHM's latest "High Street Honeys" competition? No? Well, it's here. At the time, I was questioning whether I had weird tastes, because my tastes never seemed to match anyone else's. However, I have been slightly surprised by the ten finalists where eight of my 'green' list have made it through!
Here's the final ten, with members of my green list highlighted in bold:
FHM# Name
03 Charlie Taylor
07 Susie Allman
21 Charlotte Wood
24 Helen Barker
35 Jodie Grant
54 Charlotte McKenna
75 Megan Thomas
80 Becky Hayes
82 Kylie Shelton
96 Jodie Penman
Here's the final ten, with members of my green list highlighted in bold:
FHM# Name
03 Charlie Taylor
07 Susie Allman
21 Charlotte Wood
24 Helen Barker
35 Jodie Grant
54 Charlotte McKenna
75 Megan Thomas
80 Becky Hayes
82 Kylie Shelton
96 Jodie Penman
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Giggity giggity goo.
Quagmire: Hey there sweetie, how old are you?
Connie: 16.
Quagmire: 18? You're first.
Connie: Mom!
Quagmire: I like where this is goin'! Giggidy, giggidy, gig-gi-dy!
C'mon. I'm watching porn, is there anything more appropriate than a Glen Quagmire quote?
Connie: 16.
Quagmire: 18? You're first.
Connie: Mom!
Quagmire: I like where this is goin'! Giggidy, giggidy, gig-gi-dy!
C'mon. I'm watching porn, is there anything more appropriate than a Glen Quagmire quote?
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Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...