Sunday, May 08, 2005


It appears that things have taken a turn in the life of USHW. Her other half has discovered her MSN chat logs with various people (but especially me), and the proverbial has hit the fan. Why? Well, let's just say that our chats were, at times, lusty. I've no idea if he knows anything else (not that there's much else to tell), but from the little pieces of information that I currently have, I'm guessing that 'other half' didn't want USHW to come to the recent meet up that I posted about. The reasons aren't entirely clear, but an assumption I'm making is that a part of his point of view is that he expected something to happen while USHW was gone. I'm not sure if he didn't trust her or trust me or anyone else who was at the gathering a few weeks ago, but I do think that's an element of it.

Don't ask me what 'something to happen' is, because I don't know, but you don't simply start reading through someone's chat logs for entertainment. It's almost like reading through someone's diary, or blog. You will probably find something there you don't like.

This all sounds like bad news, and to a certain extent, it is. Not for me – OH only knows me as a name on the internet and chat logs, so I really can't see any fallout for me on this. It could potentially be bad news for USHW though, coming at a time when she is already unhappy. The irony of the situation is that, before the gathering, 'fallout' was something we'd discussed. I've brought it up before in one of my previous posts.

The optimist in me thinks that it could be turned into a good thing by USHW though. If there was ever a good time to get stuff off her chest regarding the past year or so, then it's right now. She has been reticent about coming clean to OH about all sorts of things because she feared it would hurt him, despite the fact it was doing her damage, too. So, she's now in a situation where she can sit down and clear the air with OH and see about moving forward. I hope she does, and I hope OH sees the opportunity... she deserves it.

I'd assume that, at least for the next few weeks, USHW will not be online much until things are clear(er). She knows she can email me at any time though. I'm gonna stay off MSN chats with her for a while to give her and OH a chance.

On a selfish note, my ego is sad because I’d been hoping to chat with her about something another female at the gathering was supposed to have said about me. That'll simply have to wait...

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