Sunday, May 29, 2005

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

Ever had one of those days where you're constantly bored and nothing you do holds your attention long enough? That's today. So far today, I've watched two films, played a game, completely reinstalled Windows on my PC, sent a lot of emails, reinstalled a game (because of the new Windows installation), did a bit of writing (a hobby of mine whioch I do from time to time), did a load of surfing, did some shopping, got all my post sorted for tomorrow and had a huge clear out of rubbish.

Reading back over it, it sounds like a really productive day, and it probably is. However, what the above paragraph doesn't say is that I didn't start and complete these tasks one after the other - I spent five minutes doing one before moving onto the other etc. I'm surprised I actually accomplished so much given this state of mind.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ego wanking.

There's nothing like having your ego stroked. It's even better when others are doing it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Not me, but USHW. She's decided, I think, to give certain internet aspects up for some time. Don't really blame her, to be honest. I just hope that she posts something about an incident that's aroused my curiosity before she does, or else I shall be frustrated. I hate it when people tell me snippets of stuff but don't give me the full story. Grrr.

Monday, May 16, 2005


I've made two plans for long weekends over the course of the next 12 weeks. The first is to Dublin and then one to Bristol. I'm looking forward immensely to both. Both will be completely different weekends, but both will be busy and fun.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Just been speaking to my friend, E. It seems she's moved up her timetable for going to New Zealand for a couple of years to October of this year. Dunno how I feel about that. I always knew she was going, of course, but I didn't think she'd be leaving this side of Christmas. On the bright side, if she does goes out in early October, she might well be up for a visit in January (when their weather is really good) as she'd have time to have gotten settled in and found a job etc.

I wouldn't mind seeing NZ again – especially the South Island that I never got a real good chance to see before, plus there is the thought of not seeing E for ages. We do see each other a couple of times a year, which is great, but if she's gone for a couple of years, I'd miss her terribly.

Friday, May 13, 2005

To perv or not to perv... that is the question.

We were on a work's night out last night. It was great fun. Ten pin bowling followed by food then booze (all with extra booze, of course). It started off quiet at work yesterday with no-one saying much, but I got the ball rolling with some banter around the team by telling everyone I would kick their asses at bowling. That seemed to do the trick as many emails were sent yesterday afternoon.

My first two balls down the lane knocked down a grand total of 1 pin, much to the amusement of my co-workers who thought I was being far too arrogant about my skills. Of course, following that up with two strikes, a spare and a 7/10 split for another spare soon wiped the smiles from their faces and I resumed being my normal arrogant self.

Predictably, once our one and only female co-worker had left, the conversation turned to company totty. I work in IT, so you can imagine that the male/female ratio is heavily stacked in favour of the males (sadly). However, there is one girl who sits close to my desk and is simply stunning and has a very lickable body, too. It came to light last night that she's not the 21 year old I thought she was, but is actually 27 or 28. Pity her department is moving soon – perving opportunities are going to go waaaay down. I might have to do some work. Anyway, from previous 'conversations' with UHSW, thinking about sex at work is simply far too frustrating to be enjoyable.

All in all, it was a great night out. I'm now at home with a raging hangover, but the sun is shining, it's a warm day and more importantly, it's a Friday!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Rant about a fucktard.

One of my internet hobbies involves being active around a site that has quite a lot of personal interaction with other people, and an offshoot if that is discussing stuff on a semi-related messageboard. The messageboard owner, TBM, is a fucktard. While he stumped up the cash for the URL and hosting last June, pretty much all the ideas and other work has been done by other people including myself and USHW. It should also be known that one of TBM's closest friends, my friend F, advised him against setting up such a board as she knew he'd get bored of it (no pun intended) and didn't have the backbone to make tough decisions. F was right. TBM only set up the board to bolster his own popularity around the main website, and once he realised what was needed to create a successful board, he pretty much gave up within two months. Since then, it's been pretty much myself and UHSW with a few others helping out.

Around Xmas, he decided that he'd got too much other stuff on and would let USHW admin the site until such time as he could return. Recently, his absence was noticed and commented on, and before you know it, the toys are being chucked well and truly out of the pram.

Apparently, TBM is upset that he's being criticised, despite the fact that the environment in which this messageboard operates, is rife with criticism and the like. People have offered to take the site off his hands if he's that pissed off, but I'm guessing that the recent perceived criticism will simply just make TBM decide to shut down the site. TBM, if you hadn't already guessed, is one of the most immature people I've ever met.

So now, all of a sudden, TBM is claiming that he isn't the site owner anymore, despite still owning the rights to the URL and the hosting package (and claiming so in various messages). I've no idea why he would stupidly make such a comment in public, especially when the only other person it could be, USHW, would probably call him on it in public, too.

It's my personal feeling that he's been looking for an excuse to close the site down for some time. I do know he's not particularly willing to give the site away for free (the stupid fucker took out a two year hosting deal and there's still a year left), but I also know that he wasn't public, until a few days ago, about not being willing to come back to the site as owner/admin.

What TBM doesn't really realise is that the people now involved with the board will be majorly pissed if he suddenly pulls the plug and that the popularity that he so craves will evaporate right before his eyes when the truth of what he's actually done for that site is made public. I, for one, will make sure people realise what a glory hunter he is.

Final words on this: I bet he closes the site down, and quite soon. I hope I'm wrong and that USHW can talk him round, but I'm not feeling any positive mental attitude (PMA) towards this at this time.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Contact (Part 2 - a specific person).

My friend, BW, is lucky to be alive. About three years ago, he was diagnosed with a brain aneurism which was causing him to have fits. He eventually underwent brain surgery and is still alive to this day, however his mental capacity is fucked, his memory's shot (not that it was great in the first place) and he's generally not the person he used to be. Dare I say it, but I'm not sure I even like the person he is now. I've mentioned before about people staying in contact – BW doesn't, and expects people to answer to his every whim.

We've had more than one argument about his lack of contact. I'd spent the best part of six months emailing a Hotmail account of his, only to find he'd never checked the fucking thing. Text messages go ignored and he refuses to sign up to stuff like Skype or MSN that would make it easier for a lot of his friends to stay in contact.

A lot of people are now coming to the end of their tether with him for these reasons, and if he doesn't pull his socks up soon, he's going to find himself without friends. His long-suffering girlfriend, E2, is well aware of what's happening, but he simply refuses to listen.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Best laid plans..,

This weekend has ended up being a lot quieter than it was supposed to have been. My mate, G, was due home from London this weekend, which would have meant a few nights out on the town – always great fun with G. Sadly, he's had to cancel. But, the flipside to this means that I might go and see him sometime over the summer – I've not been to London to see him for some time – about 10 years, so now that I'm gainfully employed, I really should make the effort.

I also have a trip to Birmingham due sometime in September or October to see F and perhaps a trip to Bristol in June or July. I might not get away on a summer holiday (but I don't really have the desire for that), but a few long weekends with friends are always welcome.

I've done enough procrastinating, so I'm gonna contact my brother-in-law later to see if we can't start getting fitter this week, preferably tomorrow.

PHP-Nuke themes

If any of you browsers know of any good PHP-Nuke themes in a red/white/black colour scheme, can you please leave me a comment or use the email link to the right? I'm looking to set up a website for a relative and their logo is red/white/black text.

Thank you.


It appears that things have taken a turn in the life of USHW. Her other half has discovered her MSN chat logs with various people (but especially me), and the proverbial has hit the fan. Why? Well, let's just say that our chats were, at times, lusty. I've no idea if he knows anything else (not that there's much else to tell), but from the little pieces of information that I currently have, I'm guessing that 'other half' didn't want USHW to come to the recent meet up that I posted about. The reasons aren't entirely clear, but an assumption I'm making is that a part of his point of view is that he expected something to happen while USHW was gone. I'm not sure if he didn't trust her or trust me or anyone else who was at the gathering a few weeks ago, but I do think that's an element of it.

Don't ask me what 'something to happen' is, because I don't know, but you don't simply start reading through someone's chat logs for entertainment. It's almost like reading through someone's diary, or blog. You will probably find something there you don't like.

This all sounds like bad news, and to a certain extent, it is. Not for me – OH only knows me as a name on the internet and chat logs, so I really can't see any fallout for me on this. It could potentially be bad news for USHW though, coming at a time when she is already unhappy. The irony of the situation is that, before the gathering, 'fallout' was something we'd discussed. I've brought it up before in one of my previous posts.

The optimist in me thinks that it could be turned into a good thing by USHW though. If there was ever a good time to get stuff off her chest regarding the past year or so, then it's right now. She has been reticent about coming clean to OH about all sorts of things because she feared it would hurt him, despite the fact it was doing her damage, too. So, she's now in a situation where she can sit down and clear the air with OH and see about moving forward. I hope she does, and I hope OH sees the opportunity... she deserves it.

I'd assume that, at least for the next few weeks, USHW will not be online much until things are clear(er). She knows she can email me at any time though. I'm gonna stay off MSN chats with her for a while to give her and OH a chance.

On a selfish note, my ego is sad because I’d been hoping to chat with her about something another female at the gathering was supposed to have said about me. That'll simply have to wait...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Keep on running...

OK. I now have some time to myself with a couple of major projects at work out of the way. That means that, starting next week, I'm starting to get fitter for the summer (and more importantly to start fitting into some clothes again) by going running with my brother in law. I think I said something along these lines in one of my original posts about goal setting.

I'll have to speak to him later this evening to organise something. Motivation has always been a major factor in my lack of exercise. It's not something I can do alone. By all means ask me to go and play football or basketball. I've no issues with that, but try and get me to do something on my own (running, gym etc.) and you're in deep trouble.

Let's see how this goes...

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...