Saturday, April 21, 2007

This time, exactly two years ago...

At this time, exactly two years ago (22:45), I was in a pub in London with a group of people from an online hobby of mine. Amongst the group were K, R and USHW. I don't believe that I ever posted in any detail about what happened that weekend.

My relationship with K has been weird. I met her through an online hobby and we started chatting on MSN. We met a few times, but one weekend she was in my home town, kind of against my wishes because I didn't have the time or money to spend with her (and others). They didn't take 'no' for an answer though and instead of passing through as I had asked, they all turned up for a night out. I went out with them for a few hours and had a good time. At the end of the night, as I left K and the crowd back to their hostel, K jumped on me for a snog, which must have been comical because she was around the 5-foot mark. Anyway, we ended up shagging and it was K who suggested it. Mental note to self: shagging short people in public is not that enjoyable.

A few days later, K is demanding a phone call. So, I acquiesce and I call. K's all talk of starting a proper, romantic relationship. Jeez. We'd had some frank conversations about life, but K had never, ever mentioned that she equated sex to relationships. I had to pad about, telling her about the distance involved, how I didn't like starting relationships from a distance and stuff. It wasn't a fib per se, but ultimately, I simply didn't want a relationship with K. I don't think it would have worked out; we're two completely different people and while I don't think you need to match your partner in a relationship, I think you have to complement each other, which K and I didn't do. I also think it was crap that K initiated the sex with her own point of view/beliefs and then later tried to force that upon me.

K effectively turned into a bunny boiler after that. She turned up uninvited at a later date, despite being told not to (a mutual friend was in town), and then she wondered why I was quiet for the few days she was here. Honestly. Eventually, it was all put to bed when I went to Scotland for a weekend to see my friend, F. Or so I thought. Rumours were floating around the hobby website about the same time as my original dalliance with K that F and I were having an affair. That was hilarious because, at that point, F and I had never even met. We were friends, though. That was enough for K to do some digging of her own and go off to befriend F. When F and I eventually met, we hit it off extremely well and are close friends to this day.

R, as I may have stated before, is simply gorgeous, but she's like my little sister (and about twelve years my junior, if that makes any difference). She turned up, not really knowing anyone apart from myself and SIW, a man that most women seemed to regard as a little bit weird. We had been in the pub for a few hours before R turned up, and I'd love to have known what people were thinking. The problem with these kinds of events is that you don't get to talk to as many people for as long as you'd like, and R was one of the people I wished I'd spent more time with, the other being LC, a woman whose presence was one of the main reasons I turned up.

Towards the end of the night, I walked R from the pub to the tube station. LC and her friend, who were also on their way home turned up just in time to see me hoisting R over my shoulder and laughing. I was a little drunk, but this was platonic mucking about. Again, nothing was ever said about the situation. LC can keep a secret, so the fact that no one else knows about that incident is no surprise. I am surprised that there wasn't a little teasing from LC, though. We may only have met once, but there was definitely enough there to know that we could (and probably would) be good friends if we saw more of each other.

Last, but not least, USHW. By this time, two years ago, we'd left the pub and were sitting in my/our hotel room sipping some kind of vodka drinky things with one of the other revellers. I've definitely mentioned before about USHW. Sharing a bed with a woman for an entire weekend is always a good idea, even if no shenanigans are going on. The sexual tension did bubble under the surface for the entire weekend, for both parties, I think. All it would have taken was for one person to have made any kind of first move and things might well have been very different, both at the time and during events since. I was happy doing nothing and letting USHW call the shots, though. The spark that we'd had chatting on MSN did translate to real life, which was brilliant. I'm not sure we'll ever meet again, but the weekend was thoroughly enjoyable for her presence.

There were tonnes of other people who turned up and who were good company, but R, LC and USHW were the three people whose presence made my mind up to attend. It was never clear-cut, though. R only turned up because I was there. USHW ran into many obstacles before she was able to confirm her presence, but if none of those three had turned up, I wouldn't have made any effort nor saved the cash that a weekend in London requires.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...