I kid you not, this was a profile on Tinder:
"I'm not looking for anything serious. No attached or people looking one night stands. I'm hoping to find someone long term."
Well, what is it?
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
I kid you not, this was a profile on Tinder:
"I'm not looking for anything serious. No attached or people looking one night stands. I'm hoping to find someone long term."
Well, what is it?
So, rather randomly, I received a message from DSC late last night on Facebook. She's messaged before and I've just ignored the messages. I don't harbour any ill-feeling towards her, but I don't particularly want her back in my life in any manner.
However, the message was interesting.
She referenced me getting depressed and being messed up, which is really not how I remember things, though this is nine years ago. Certainly, there have been periods when I've not been happy. And I have possibly been depressed, but certainly not to the point where things were messed up or impacting anything like friendships.
I cut ties with DSC because I didn't want to deal with her drama. She was hard work (something I only realised later when reading back on our MSN conversations), so yeah, I don't particularly want to deal with her again, and if that's her recollection of the summer of 2013, I'm better off out of it.
And continuing the "reminiscing about work" kinda thing that's been a feature recently, this morning it was CH. So, yeah, I woke this morning frustrated that our friendship ended the way that it did, but also quite horny.
When I wake up with people on my mind, I assume that I had been dreaming about them, but I don't remember last night's dream at all.
It seems to be a theme this weekend to reminisce about an ex-colleague, but browsing one of my favourite online communities, the topic was "tell us of a sexy work encounter".
And for some strange reason, the person who sprang to mind wasn't FBS, who I have slept with, or work crushes like QC3, QC2, CH or KfW2. Though strictly speaking, I've never had sex at my own workplace with any of those aforementioned women.
It was an attractive brunette girl that I used to flirt with, in my first proper job (prior to the one with QC2 etc). She was very upfront about it too, and I enjoyed it immensely. There were no opportunities to socialise though, and I think she had a boyfriend anyway.
I'm struggling to remember her name, though I can pretty much remember her face.
Today marks the thirtieth anniversary of meeting QC2 for the first time. We started work together, in the same induction group and the same team, though it would be a while before we became proper friends.
I also worked with FBS, D, Friction Guy and Opinionated Guy in the same office, but while I share a longer history with D and Opinionated Guy, it would be a while before our paths crossed to any significant levels.
And I've said it before, I do miss my irregular meetings with QC2 and I often think fondly back to the nights out where it was her, me and Friction Guy. I do wonder from time to time why she decided to cut contact. I don't think it's anything I did or said, I'm convinced there were other reasons. Possibly related to the child theory of mine.
Regardless, happy anniversary QC2.
A post on Reddit, announcing the imminent streaming on HBO of "The Time Traveller's Wife" reminded me of my date with RB. Somehow, when talking about books, the original novel was mentioned which led to me informing RB of, at the time, the upcoming film of the novel, which she was delighted to hear about. I loved the novel, and I might go back and re-read it at some point if I still have it. My bookshelf is packed to overflowing and I've emptied it several times over the years, giving unwanted books to charity shops, friends etc.
For some reason, I've been thinking about K quite a bit over the past few days. I don't know why she's been on my mind - our dalliances and meetings tended to be in the summer months, I think, so there's nothing that would bring her to mind.
And that took me onto E because E and K potentially lived a few hundred metres away from each other for a brief period.
I miss E. I can't say that I miss K, because she was bonkers, but part of me wouldn't mind meeting her for a drink and seeing how she is.
I have an upcoming anniversary (I'll post about that later) that prompted the thought that it's been ages since I saw D, FBS, Friction Guy or Opinionated Guy. So I sent a message to the WhatsApp group, suggesting we meet for drinks.
Neither Opinionated Guy nor Friction Guy replied (to be fair, Opinionated Guy isn't part of the chat - he refused to use WhatsApp), but we at least have a tentative plan in place... for the end of May. That's ages away, but I am already looking forward to it.
I heard back from E from this post. She's been having a bad time of it recently. She has Covid and it's knocked her for six for a good few weeks. Other than that, things seem to be going well in her life. It's good to hear.
I had to take some time from work this morning, to accompany my Dad while he attended a medical review. He's been having some issues over the past few years and this was a status check, to see if he was getting any worse.
Thankfully, the news was about as good as we can expect. He's in a worse place than I would like, but that's life. And life sucks.
However, the doctor performing the check-up was wearing scrubs. I love women in scrubs.
My sister sent me a text stating that I would be looking after my Dad's dog this coming weekend because they were taking Dad away for a day or so. In fact, from Thursday night until Saturday evening. That's annoying because I was making serious progress at getting KfW2 finally out this coming Saturday, and it wasn't a request from my sister. The arrangements were already made.
Sigh. I quickly messaged KfW2 and we have something tentatively arranged for the end of the month.
A few days ago, I sent E a message on Facebook. It's been months since we swapped messages and I want to know how she's getting on. It's been on my mind since my night out with S and GM a few weeks back, but like everything else recently, I keep forgetting.
She hasn't replied as yet, but I did kinda dream about her last night. Somehow, I had the power of teleportation and used it to visit friends in far off places, like E, R2 and V. So I woke this morning with E on my mind, which has led to further pondering. It was kinda based on a Reddit post, "What does a platonic female friend bring that a platonic male friend doesn't?", so I wondered what would have happened if E hadn't emigrated.
Hopefully, I'll hear from her soon.
Hermes the courier service might well have changed their name to Evri, but despite their adverts showing them to be caring and respectful, the service still is pretty poor.
I got a text earlier today telling me that my parcel was due to be delivered between 10 AM and Noon. Not bad. However, I received the text at 10:50. So I kept an eye out for the courier. At 11:45, I looked at the tracking information. Apparently, the parcel was delivered at 10:57.
Interesting, seeing as I didn't hear the truck nor did anyone knock on my door. That's exactly what I expect from Hermes.
Imagine my surprise when Reddit mentioned "Not Another High School Show", a parody of teen TV shows. Well, not really. After all, there's nothing really to get surprised about, is there? That is until you see the cast list. Blog favourite Alison Brie? Yes please! Previous blog subject of pondering Jennifer Lawrence? Why not? One of Ruuude's admitted celebrity crushes Stacy Haiduk? Oh yes!
Sadly, I can't find it anywhere to watch the whole thing, but someone did upload a short clip (mostly of Alison Brie) to YouTube. It looks awful, but awful in a very watchable kinda way.
GM sent a message on WhatsApp. Apparently, he'd bumped into CH, and they'd spoken for a bit. The upshot of it all (because GM didn't share any details) was that they had agreed that we should all meet for drinks. Now, I don't know if that was a throwaway comment or not, but let's assume it's not. Neither GM nor CH are great organisers of social events. And any semi-regular reader should know by now that CH is amazingly unreliable, especially when it comes to male friends and socialising.
It'll be interesting to see how this pans out. I predict that in, let's say 2 months, no movement will have been made on arranging a night out with CH.
Facebook reminded me today that it's been 11 years since CH and I became Facebook friends. It's a little weird as I always remembered meeting CH after I had cemented my friendship with KfW2. But I met KfW2 in the middle of 2010 (so 12 years ago), it took us (well, KfW2 tbh) around six months to warm to me and then at some point in 2011, we found ourselves being friends.
That would definitely have overlapped with CH. If we're Facebook friends as of today in 2011, we would have met earlier (I have it in my head it was maybe October and I've undoubtedly posted about it somewhere).
Just pondering.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...