Saturday, November 28, 2020


I either didn't learn my lesson from last week (see this post), or I forgot. I'll let you decide, dear reader. But I woke at 3am with crippling stomach issues after a large (though not excessive) KFC and two cans of beer later in the evening.

I finished reading my book while waiting for the drugs to kick in, which was after 5AM, so I didn't wake until after 10AM this morning.

I was also surprised by a visit from FC and Mrs FC last night, who arrived at my front door while FP was here. The FP visit was pre-arranged. So we awkwardly stood in the four corners of the room, chatting, and trying to maintain social distancing to the best of our ability.

It was nice to see them all. The only visitor I've had recently has been CC who has been incredibly hard work - just constant complaining... and when we do get into conversations, I fundamentally disagree with her opinions on things, which mainly stem from her being selfish.

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