Saturday, October 03, 2020

Just pondering

Despite owning a house for the best part of five years and prior to that, living on my own* for far too long in a few different countries, I've never been great at just buying for the house. It was a habit I never got into. The six or seven years of living with people like Useless Flatmate, Heating Guy, MfW and the whole general distrust that went on wasn't conducive to just opening my wallet and buying things on semi-impulse to improve our lives. It has to be noted that they didn't, either. But then, they rarely lifted a finger in cleaning up and doing general house chores.

It's only actually with lockdown that I've found myself buying little things here and there just to improve life in the house rather than only buying things when I absolutely need them. I wouldn't say that I live a Spartan existence, but I'd say that it was basic.

It's all functional stuff. I still can't get my head around buying shit for purely decorative purposes.

*With housemates

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